New Years Kiss

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  A/N: Please check story description for info, warnings, and all that good stuff ☺ Obviously I don't own the people in this fic but the writing as well as the cover and above image are mine please do not use, save, or repost without my consent. This fic is 2015!Phan :) Thank you very much and enjoy the story! 


  "Phil!" Dan called to the older boy from their lounge, "Hurry up! You're gonna miss it!"

"Coming!" Phil arrived seconds later, popcorn and Maltesers in hand, and settled into the sofa beside his boyfriend. "How many minutes are left?" Dan reached for the Maltesers immediately, nestling against Phil and grinning.

"Ten, I think. Are you wearing my sweatshirt?" Dan raised his eyebrows and glanced down to meet the eyes of his flatmate.

Phil blushed. "I was cold!" he defended, faking a pout at Dan. The younger boy rolled his eyes."Don't you have your own sweatshirts?"

"Well, yeah, but I like yours. It smells like you." Phil pointed out, stretching the collar of the sweatshirt out in front of Dan's nose so that he could smell it, too. Instead of sniffing the shirt, though, Dan took the opportunity of Phil's closeness to peck him on the lips gently and roll his eyes.

"You're such a sap, you know that?"

Phil chuckled. "You know you love it."

"Unfortunately," Dan mused, gazing lovingly at his boyfriend. How did he get so lucky? Phil was everything he ever dreamed of. "Now scoot over for a sec I'm gonna go grab a sweatshirt while I still have time."

"Hurry up you don't want to miss the countdown!" Phil allowed Dan to rise from the couch and hurry upstairs, leaning back into the warm spot Dan had abandoned as he got up.

Dan re-entered moments later, now sporting Phil's yellow Adventure Time sweatshirt. "Time?" He asked, sliding back into his spot and reaching for more Maltesers.

"Five minutes. Are you wearing my sweatshirt?" Phil mocked.

Dan played along. "I was cold." He shrugged, "and it smells like you."

Phil laughed and snuggled up against Dan, shoveling popcorn into his mouth as they watched the tv.

"I can't believe another year is over..." Dan eventually mumbled, resting his head atop Phil's and intertwining their hands.

"I know! It goes so fast. I can't wait for another great year with my boyfriend, though. I have a feeling that 2016 is gonna be good." Phil beamed up at Dan, excitement sparkling in his bright blue eyes. He used his free hand to set the bowl of popcorn and Maltesers on the table so that he could snuggle closer into Dan's arms.

Dan kissed his forehead, blushing slightly. "I can't wait to see what the new year brings." He glimpsed at the countdown on the TV. It was at fifty seconds. "Thank you, love, for making this one great."

Phil swung his legs onto his boyfriends lap. "I love you," he said softly.

"I love you, too."

The people on tv could be heard counting down now.





Phil pulled Dan into a kiss, pressing his soft lips against Dan's rough ones. It was as amazing as the first, as all their kisses were. Warm and passionate and full of love.

They broke apart and Dan sighed contently. "Happy New Year, babe," he smiled down at his partner.

Phil nestled his face into Dan's neck, making him shiver. "Happy New Year, love." 


A/N: Short sweet and really late to post I suppose but I guess you could read this next New Years too? XD Thank you for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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