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Before you read disclaimer: this is a short story, made to make people laugh. Please know that I wrote this story back in 2013, so it is not the best. None of these events actually occurred. Most of the characters are based off of fictional characters in the best song ever music video. They do not belong to me. As for the story line, that came from my mind and is protected under federal copy right laws so please do not steal, that's not very nice. Similarities to other media is purely coincidental. Other then that, I hope you enjoy this short story!



Dear Marcel,

I love you. Happy anniversary honey! 9 amazing years together. The kids say hi and that they miss you. I miss you too. Hurry home so I can give you a big hug! LTTL!

Hope the marketing sales convention is going good! I wish I could be there with you, but Japan is so far away. Little Lenny wouldn't be able to handle it haha. At least Jonny is there supporting you babe.

Oh my god.. I was just going through some old photos of us when we were just kids. I found one of us at our prom. That was the best night of my life.The memory's of our high school years just bring tears to my eyes. You were such a dork haha, but I think that's what I loved most about you. I remember it as if it was yesterday.......

~~~flash back~~~~

Marcel (the marketing guy)Where stories live. Discover now