Chapter 15 Winner

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Marcel's POV

I did it! My mum will be so proud to know that I have scored big. Georgia, no doubt is the prettiest girl and nicest girl in school. Maybe I should take her before anyone else can. Well obviously I'm her prom date, but I mean like popping the question. Not the marriage question it's a little to soon for that. I'm just nervous on what she would say. Wait, now I remember, she said she was in love with me. I don't have to be afraid anymore. I need to stop being so afraid.

"Georgia?" I asked. She looked up at me slowly. Then the song stopped, and she smiled. "Cmon Marcel follow me" she said. She took me by the hand and dragged me out if the gym. I wasn't sure where we were going but anywhere with her is the best. She took me into the Library behind some book stacks. I saw some other couples making out in here, the air was filled with love and a little vagina.

"So what are you planni-" I began. Georgia cut me off when her lips hit mine. I kissed back and tried to keep up with her pace. I knew I couldn't let her do everything, so I tried something. I tried opening her mouth with my tongue. I've seen it in movies, maybe she'll let me enter. I may be the luckiest guy in the world, because she did.

We made out for several seconds until we heard a camera snap. I released my lips from Georgia's and looked over at a boy. The same boy from outside. He had taken a picture of us making out. Georgia and I both glared at him. "So sorry, they needed a picture," he said. "Who's they?" Georgia asked. The boy looked nervous, "the football team. A-and the prom committee."

Georgia looked down, I could tell she was thinking. The boy hurried up and left the library. Georgia was both worried and annoyed. I don't think she was worried for the reason I was thinking, probably just because they might make fun of me. Georgia isn't really the type to care what people think, even if she's caught seen with someone like me. Wait, someone like me. I'm different now, they can't possibly think of anything without confronting me. Even then I won't care, I'm used to it.

"Lets go back to the gym, they will be announcing prom king and queen soon," Georgia said. I followed her to the gym and we joined the crowed of people gathering by the stage. Are principle walked up on stage and grabbed the mic. "Ladies a gentleman, your votes are in and we have are class of 2004, BSE highs prom king and queen!" She cheered. I wrapped one arm around Georgia's waist and she leaned into my chest. I kissed her head, I wanted to be smooth.

"And, it looks like we have a write in!" The principle began. A write in? What does that mean? Georgia looked at me surprised. "What is it?" I asked. "A write in is someone last minute nominated, the write in must have won," she said.

"By a numerous amount of people asking for this young man to win, we have are results! Your new prom king is"- the principle said. The gym went silent. Everyone was waiting for the kings name. If I were to bet money, it would probably be on Daryl, but because of the write in I'm not so sure. Then I heard the principle say something that I just couldn't even believe. Something both surprising and and just plain out messed up. The kings name.

"Marcel Styles!" She cheered. Everybody cheered and looked around to find me. I couldn't even move.

"Marcel you won! Go up there!" Georgia said happily. I slowly made my way to the stage in shock. Everyone cleared an isle way for me. The principle looked at me and she even looked shocked. I walked up the stairs to the stage and stood beside the principle. "My god boy, you look different. Doesn't he?" She asked the crowd. Everybody and I mean everybody said yes.

"Congratulations Marcel. Anything you wanna say?" The principle asked. I honestly didn't really think about it. The principle was trying to hand me the mic, so I took it. I guess ill just wing it. "Umm hi um," I began. Everybody laughed a little, but in a good way not at me. I laughed a little to, then I continued, "Alright. I guess I just wanna say, thank you. And um, this is kinda surprising I didn't think anyone liked me." Shoot, now I'm playing the sorry card. I heard a few people shout at me from the audience. "I like you Marcel!" A football player shouted. I'm not sure if he was joking or not but I played along anyway. "Haha thank you." Everyone laughed with me again. "I also wanna say that you all look great tonight. And also-" I was thinking. Georgia looked at me and mouthed something. I couldn't tell what she was saying, it was like she was telling me to make them laugh. I'm not very good at that. "What?" I asked on accident. Everybody looked where I was looking, which was at Georgia. She played it off like she didn't say anything. "Um alright. I guess, just thank you. And stay away from bad things," I said. The same footballer player looked at me and said, "like what?"

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