Chapter 2

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The burgers were very delicious. We were still thinking about that couple at the Indian place. Why did my mom start acting so weird? Nothing ever throws her off her track.

"Mama" i try to reach out to mom as she is driving. "Yeah honey" she answers giving me the biggest smile in the world.

"Did you know that couple at the Indian place?" I ask her hoping to get some answers or maybe it was just in our imaginations.

"Yeah, i knew them" she says and now I’m intrigue to see what she is going to say next. “They were old friends of your father" i cannot believe they just happen to be there.

"What, that's so weird" i respond back. "Well, why did we leave instead of you saying hi" i ask confused into why she acted so weird and we left.

"Well, they are not very nice people honey" she answers and i just nod and put my head down. "Ok mama, if you say they weren't than they weren't!' i secure her to make sure she knows there will be no more discussion about it. Obviously they do not matter enough to continue talking about.

"So where off to now?" my sister ask. "Let’s just keep driving this road and we will see where we end up, how does that sound?" she answers and we both scream "WOOOO"

We drive about two hours before its really dark and we should really find a place to crash. We see a bunch of fire on the right side really far. Either someone is camping or there is a mountain fire.

"Do you see that?" Angela asks as she points to the same place i just had my eye on. "Yeah, it looks like something is on fire" i say back.

"Let’s go check it out" mama says being the usually adventurist curious person she is. She is pretty much as crazy as my sister and I.

We take a quick turn on the next right and drive right towards the fire. Anyone else would probably drive away. Maybe call the fire department but us. No we drive to see what it is.

As we get closer we can smell the most unbelievable smell you can ever imagine. Yes, food.....

There is lots of camping happening. People are laughing, eating, listening to music, talking, and most importantly what my sister, mom, and I love to do best. They are dancing.

We park next to the other cars that are there, hoping that they are ok with us crashing in. What better place than a camp ground to crash for the night. Meet new people, talk under the moonlight until the sun comes out.

We get out of the car, all the three of us just give each other a quick glaze knowing what the other is thinking and we smile.

We walk up and no one stares. Some look as they see movement and just smile. They say hello and wave a peaceful hand of gesture to join in.

Man where are we. Everyone is so nice here. What a difference from the other city, complete opposite.

We hear the music; of course they are listening to rock. We get in the crowed and we no longer hear the sound of cars, we no longer smell the pollution in the air, no longer hear the voices talking, all we hear is the music.

We raise our arms up, we dance gently, smooth, with no worries to if we know how to dance to this or not. The sound comes natural to our veins.

It was at least two-three hours of us just lost in the music. We all signal to leave the dance area and we go towards the food. We are so hungry now. The taste of the burgers are a million hours away.

We walk up to the people barbequing the food and they just hand us a plate. "How much?" my mom ask and they hug her and say "No charge love, we are just friends enjoying life" the man answers.

My mom says "Thank you so much" and all three of us give him one more hug. We have run into people as nice like this before. What would the world be like without hippies.

We go sit down next to the fire and we enjoy our meals.

Suddenly it gets quiet.......

People are screaming very near us.....


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