Chapter 1

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Walking down a long path, Trees surround me. Long full trees above, the sky is no longer there. The never ending path is full of nature sounds. Birds singing, animals making sounds in the bushes. The wind makes the leaf on the trees make a perfect 'shhhhhhh' sound.

Where am I? I'm so relaxed here. Is this what could be heaven. If there is such a place, this would be it. I lay on the ground. Taking each step slowly to take this all in! I lay flat on the ground. Breathing in slowly, Take a deep breath.....

"Wake up honey" oh no. I just remember where I am. Driving in the never ending trip. To let me tell you NO WHERE.! "Morning mom". 

My mom, little sister and I have been traveling all our lives. We have been to other country’s, 20 states, and i cannot even tell you where i was raised or born. I don't think it exists.

HI my name is Bethany and I am 17 years old. My sister Angela is 15 years old and my beautiful never aging mother Antonia is 32 years old. But she does not look a day over 25. Don't ask me why. Great genes i guess. She had us very young and my father left when we were little. I have no record of him nor do i care. My mom said it was for the best and i trust her.

 My mom says it keeps us young to travel and see the real world for what it is and not what you hear.

I never felt different because this is what I’ve known my whole life, and let me tell you. It's amazing.

We have seen so many different people, ate numerous different foods, and we know 6 languages. What more can you ask for right.

"Are you guy’s hungry?" My mom asks and i nod my head with excitement. "Good, because we have this Indian restaurant coming up." she says to us as she pulls over the exit.

My mom is always happy. Filled with adventure in her eyes! I can only look at her beauty sometimes and think to myself  'I cannot believe she is my mom'.

We walk towards the doors to lead us to the front of the restaurant. As soon as we walk in the doors, instant eyes face our ways. Almost everyone in this restaurant is facing us. 

"Do we smell or what?" i tell my sister and she just laughs. I mean we are used to eyes since we are three beautiful girls together. But this is over the top staring.

Suddenly i see this couple. It's like the lighting is only facing them. Like a bubble of glow around them. They are also the only ones not looking at us. Why does their aura feel so weird? I have never felt this before. It's scary and addicting at the same time.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else! Come on girls let’s go!" my mom tells us and grabs our hands tightly. "What's wrong mom?" i ask with a concerned look. "Nothing baby girl, let’s just go k"

There is no reason for me to question why. I just trust her and we hurried out of there. But the feeling of that couple was still in my heart. 

'What does that mean?' i ask myself...

"Mama, did you know anyone in there?" Angela asks. I wonder if she felt the same as me. 

"No honey, I just didn't feel like Indian anymore. There is a nice burger place around the corner" she tells us and now i wonder why her glow is suddenly interrupted.

The good thing is that we all have cell phones so i can text my sister stuff if i don't want my mom to hear.

Me: Hey, did you feel something weird in there?

Angela: You felt it too?

Me: Yeah, what was that?

Angela: I don't know? But it felt wrong and right at the same time!

Me: That is so weird, should we ask mom?

Angela: No, she looks a little upset; maybe we should wait and ask later?

Me: Yeah, that sounds like a plan, burgers here we go

It was only a few minutes until we reached the burger joint. We walked inside and people stared but not as bad as the Indian place. This city really don’t like tourist maybe. They really stare here. Maybe they feel we really look different or something.

Or maybe we do smell......

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