18: Trial

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"It's disgusting, utterly disgusting," Sonja muttered as she watched Jeriah interact with the people. A kind smile, rarely seen around them, was plastered on his face as he played with children and conversed with elders with a civil respect and politeness. She tucked a strand of her dark brown hair that had come loose from her bun behind her ear. Jordan noticed her teeth grinding into her bottom lip.

The two were sitting on the steps to the church, mildly observing Jeriah on his soapbox calming the town. Of course it was a metaphorical soap box—the man believed in preaching his message of greatness while walking around, to make sure everyone heard it. The early morning hours had yet to see the sun, although it was quite light out. The sun would be running it's course hidden today. Maybe even the moon too.

He didn't think Jeriah was as bad as he originally thought he was. Sure, he was a jerk to Sonja, but he was actually kind of nice. With Declan gone, he wouldn't be that bad of a leader. Without thinking, he voiced that opinion to Sonja. It might as well been the Dianite conversation all over again.

"Really? Really? Am I the only sane one? He's manipulating everyone," Sonja chewed Jordan out.

The exorcist shrugged. He didn't think Jeriah was using those manipulation skills for bad, per se. More like he just wanted to be the center of attention. This time he didn't voice his opinion, he knew that wouldn't sit well with Sonja either. Jordan was sleepy. He wanted to go to bed. He felt himself yawning as he considered the trek back to the church. A few yards from him was the door to the church. Those were a few yards too many.

Besides, it was stuffy in there. Out here it was fairly nice. A gentle breeze tousling his hair, the smell of coming rain on the wind. Unless he finished that last circle the chalk would probably wash away without the binding of magic flowing through it. Just a few more minutes and he'd worry about that.

"Hey, Jordan, hey Foxy Lady" Tucker greeted as he came out of the church with a beer. He plopped down next to Sonja, wiping water from the ice chest onto his trousers. Sonja smiled a little at his approach, but it was quickly wiped away by the sight of the beer. It wasn't that it was alcohol, it was more he had been keeping his beer stash in the church.

"I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to have drinks in there," she scolded lightly. She didn't complain though when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Some of the tension had been resolved between them. Jordan wondered if they had finally had a talk after that near-bar-fight.

"Declan's the only one that stopped me, now wasn't he?" Tucker said, twisting the top off and taking a sip. "He's probably yelling at me from whatever he went to. But at least he can't be stressed the hell out."

"How well did you two know him?" Jordan asked, drawing his eyes away from the clouds to look at the couple.

"We didn't hardly know him at all. He was like—well how he was now, there really wasn't much anyone knew." The man shrugged, his eyes off in the distance as he strained for the memories. "'Course there used to be more warriors three years ago, but some left, some died in a fight with that bitchy piece of shit out in the woods, and one guy is just a part-timer." Tucker ms eyes refocused and he gulped down some of the liquor. "You missed the one time he's shown up to help in a month." He crossed his legs, tapping his fingers on his scabbard in thought. "I think his name was Champwan."

"Champwan?" Jordan asked.

"He's like a wizard, except more weird. I think he might even me a demigod of some sort," Sonja answered. "I've only seen him twice. So we're in the same boat. He only really talks to Declan. I wonder if he'll show up before we burn Declan. Even with the wards, I think he'll make it over just fine." Sonja turned her head to Jordan and raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of the wards. Want anyone to guard you why you go finish that circle?"

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