Eid Mubarak Greetings

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First of all, sorry this isn't a new chapter.

I just want to say,

Happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim chingus! Minal aidin walfaidzin! Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin!

I am so sad to hear there's still people out there terrorizing and hurting other people and called themselves Muslim.

So to those who lost faith in my religion because of them, please absorb these following words,

"Terrorists have NO religions"

Don't hate all of us because those psycho idiots claimed themselves as Muslims. My religion had only teaching about love to Allah and to people. Nothing about how to make bombs, guns, to whom they should be used, or to use them at all.

NOTHING about hurting people. Period.

I'm proud to be a Muslim. I pray and hope the humanity restores back to the way it supposed to be. 😊😊

Ok, enough about sad things.

Second of all, and this is pretty important, is that, I'm going to post a new chapter tomorrow! Yeaaay... *silent audience*...sorry. :(

I'm so so sorry for the (more than) two months delay. But since I did warning about a slow updates, forgive me please? Lol.

This time I did a very long chapter, I can be cruel and divide them into 2 chapters but I wasn't heartless enough to do that. To make amends, I also put in a loving moment because our ChaeKi had suffered enough. If you like it please do give me a comment and vote. If not, well... give me a comment too, ㅋㅋㅋ.

Just don't bother to comment on the grammatical errors though because I'm well aware of them, I'm just too lazy to edit them.

Well, see you in the next chapter, ChaeKi toasts! Keep faith in humanity and remember that our ship is real! v^_^v

xoxo, riendonghae || 3 Syawal 1437 Hijriah... or July 8th, 2016 in my timezone. ㅋㅋㅋ

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