The Child and the Victor

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 I rubbed the sore spot in my left cheek, it stung like crazy and it was getting uncomfortable now. I am not the one to complain about bruises or injuries ever since I became a trainee for the Training Center, I had been expected to keep a strong stance even though I'm hurting inside. However when I'm alone, I tend to admit to myself that I can't bear every single day of the vigorous training that my trainer, Calla, was putting me through. I do it inside my room mostly or even outside, when I'm away from prying eyes. People here in District Two expect more from me than they did with other teenagers, I was the only daughter of one of the District Victors, Magdalena. She was the pride and joy of District Two when she came home, her Games had been one of the bloodiest. So basically, they expected the same kind of ruthlessness from me, her daughter.

Although I like being known as the Victor's daughter, the pressure was slowly sinking in. I turned sixteen just recently and people expect me to be in the Games this year since my mother won her Games when she too reached this magical age. So I put up a mask, around everyone including my mother, and became just like her in their eyes. I was trained, by my mother then by Calla, with knife-throwing and speed. Since I'm unusually small for my size (again, like my mother), the trainers thought I would do better to be stealthy and quick on my feet. I didn't need to be powerful if I'm fast. When I reached their expectations, they raised the bar even higher. Now, they need me to be hard to break and never shed a tear.

How will they do that you ask? Unlimited fighting against trainees, of course.

Earlier this day, Calla had the bigger and older trainees face our group, the sixteen years olds. I had beaten a few and tried to keep up with some. They were annoyed at my speed but one of them, the blonde they call Cato, managed to get a hold of me even before I could move. He was one of the seventeen year olds and the master of spears and swords. Without his weapons, however, he was still deadly. Cato, big and burly, stood at 6 feet and needed nothing but the pure strength packed in his thick arms. He smirked when he managed to bring me down, then moved on to join in with the laughter of his friends.

I bet they were talking about my greatest weaknesses, my height and weakness with hand to hand combat.

When the training stopped, Calla had scolded me for not thinking quick, she threatened to tell my mother about my recent downfall. I cringed at this, Magdalena the Victor was known for her anger issues - a trait that fortunately, I didn't inherit.

"Clover." A voice came behind me and I scoffed, realizing who it was. I turned my head towards the girls' bathroom door and found Cato leaning on the doorway with a triumphant grin on his face. "Oh, someone made a bruise on the Victor's daughter's face." He teased, giving off a laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him as a reply, Cato rolled his eyes at this, "Rich kids aren't normally the strongest ones out of the bunch." I stared at him, my glare now softening, what did he mean by that?

He lifted his tall from the doorway and looked at me, "See you tomorrow, little Clover." Cato ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair before he left.

Though I was still a little irritated by his comment about me, I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by it. Aside from his name, age and expertise, I don't quite know who Cato is outside the Training Center. Although I made a conclusion that he is well-off because of his muscular stature. I shrugged the thoughts out of my head and walked out of the girl's bathroom.

The moment I stepped inside the first floor of the Career Center, all eyes were on me - most of them were taunting, others were of loathing.

Many of the trainees here are jealous of me one way or another. I know because they let me feel so. Sometimes because of my supposedly easy life and other times because I was rumored to be the Head Trainer's favorite. Was it my fault that I was a Victor's daughter? Or that Ram didn't have discipline problems with me? What the hell is their problem?

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