Tribute Parade

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"No! No more! Stop!"

One would think that I'm already thrown into the Hunger Games with armed tributes torturing me with blades they have recently sharpened. Yeah well, I wish that was the case. I have never felt more scared of my entire life as my prep team – all three whose names I never tried to learn – ripped out all the 'unwanted' hair from my whole body. I have gotten used to being naked in front of these...differently colored feather dusters since it has been a few grueling hours ever since they dragged me here. I had put up a good fight but Cato had carried me in. From that point, it was useless.

"How long do you have to do this?" My patience was wearing thin. Why was my stylist, Junius, refusing to even look at me till these people finish their work?

"Junius doesn't want to see you till you look like a real human being." The woman with the bright pink hair and eyelashes told me as she continued to pull the tangles from my hair. Real human being? Well, that's debatable. They have been too irritated with me that I guessed they were taking it out on me by these torturing activities. "I wish we could just turn you to a pale white color, your eyes would pop out."

If you keep this up, I will dig your eyes from those sockets. Let's see whose eyes will pop out better. I actually wanted to say this but thought otherwise, they might take it out on my nearly bald eyebrows. After a few minutes, the three Capitol freaks started talking amongst themselves. Those freaks don't even know how to whisper. I can hear them clearly. Damn this. I don't need to be plucked. I don't need to be hosed...wait...what?

After another hour, my stylist came. He was a tall man, lanky and brightly-colored. Junius (he said it was pronounced as Ju-Nay-Yus when he heard me say Ju-Nyus) analyzed me for a few minutes before deciding that it was time to put his masterpiece on me. My prep team brought, actually they rolled it in, him the outfit I will wear for the Tribute Parade.

"Hey, I know that design. We learned that in school. That old place called Rome, they have that." I took a few steps and touched the outfit. The whole costume was not made of cloth but metal plates with a golden color. I also had a headdress which looked like a bowl...with wings? What in Panem's name is that costume doing in there? Am I supposed to wear this...thing?

"It's Roman." Junius brightened as he found delight in lecturing me. He looked like he was so happy to tell someone about everything he knows, just so he could act and feel superior. "Gladiators used to wear it, you know. They're like tributes... Well, ancient tributes but they're powerful and strong. They fight in a Coliseum, that's like their arena! It's so cool right? Apolonia and I thought we could bring that historic side of the Hunger Games out! Besides, this represents District Two's strength and power. Gladiators are vicious and well-known for it, you know. People would go crazy!" I had raised an eyebrow at his explanation and just went silent. "It's pretty heavy but with District 2's strength, I'm sure you'd be able to wear it so well!"

Without any complaints, I squeezed in the outfit that Junius designed for me. It weighed a ton but I didn't say anything. I just kept it all in me and finally refused to let these idiots affect me and the Games. They put on something they called bronzer on my face, saying that it will enrich both my face and the costume itself. When I looked at the mirror, I silently told myself that I looked absolutely ridiculous but hoped that the Capitol will love whatever this is. I mean, their concept of beautiful is so much different than mine – the only time I would ever call myself beautiful, is when I have the Victor's Crown on my head.

There was one thing I forgot though and this made me laugh, "Nice dress, Cato." I smirked as my prep team finally took me to meet Cato and his own prep team. I forgot that District Partners wear almost the same outfits, sometimes there were a few changes because of the thing with genders. I had to admit though, when you look at Cato for a long time, with that unhappy expression of his, in that outfit? He looked absolutely menacing. He stood tall and the metallic material made him look invincible.

"Hey, stop it. I'm already pissed off enough that they tried to wax me off." He scowled at me then turned away to look at the other Tributes around. We have been escorted to the bottom floor of this building – I heard someone call it a Remake Center. All the tributes, awaiting for their near unveiling for the Capitol, were gathered in a stable filled with horses to draw their chariots. All the horses of the different Districts were in different colors. Ours was white, though not as white as District One's. "Oy, look at those from Seven."

I turned my head and grinned wide, "Trees, of course. Tradition." Tributes from that District almost always wear a tree costume, never anything else. "Their stylists must be so damn creative." We share a laugh then we go on making fun of the other Districts' costumes. "Look. Look. Those from One."

"Damn, they look awful." Cato scrunches up his nose in response to their costume, which reminded me of the carpets we have at home. "Maybe that's why their male tribute looks so pissed off too." He didn't make a comment about the girl tribute, Glimmer, who even when dressed rather ridiculously, looked so stunning with her blonde hair and green eyes. Then I saw all the amusement from his face drain out, it was replaced by irritation, "District Twelve."

When I saw them I felt jealous. They were dressed in black tunics, with capes. I loved that. They didn't look ridiculous at all. "What's with their outfits? Trying to imitate coals?" I grimaced.

"Maybe. You know, if we're not careful, they could pose a threat." He also saw their chances. They didn't look like the usual wimpy tributes from Twelve and that would ruin our chances of winning. Cato turned his eyes back to me, "But I doubt they'd steal our thunder later." A grin showed itself on his lips, "We're the best-dressed tributes."

I nodded, "Well then, let's get some sponsors."

Oh, how wrong Cato was.

The Districts came out in order so basically we came out behind District One. Cato and I tried to look as threatening as possible and barely gave out any emotion other than the identical we're-going-to-kill-you faces we had on. The Capitol went absolutely crazy as we went past and they were even showering us with flowers and cheer. I was enjoying the attention. I liked the feeling of having them cheer for me. I liked the feeling that they admired me. I liked the feeling that they were calling out my name like a chant they needed to say. Everything was deafening but I reveled in them.

However, there was one thing about the Tribute Parade which I detested immediately.

"Katniss! Katniss! Katniss!"

Who's Katniss? I frowned as I met Cato's eyes in slight confusion and then I remembered, "Twelve." We both turned our heads back since District Twelve was the last one to get out. I expected that I had to squint to be able to see them since they were far away but I didn't have to. District Twelve was on fire. They were literally on fire and they were stealing all the attention. I frowned deeply and looked at my partner, he was still looking at Katniss and her...what's his name...partner with a scowl. He obviously hated that he had been wrong. We weren't the best and compared to Twelve, we didn't even come close.

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