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I don't normally hate people I have just met or seen a few times but District Twelve? Their popularity? They are a danger to me, to my life. Ever since their scores appeared, especially that of Katniss, I started hating their guts. I hated them so much that that night, I dreamt of killing them both. Slitting that blonde boy's throat and then having his lifeless blue eyes stare up at me sounds good but the thought of that Katniss' bloody death excited me more. It made me happy. Whenever I have dreams of murder, I normally wake up with sweat rolling down my body but now, I opened my eyes with a big smile.

I have been the most feared female tribute during training but that score, that damn one point advantage, made her better and I didn't like that. I was supposed to be the best. I was supposed to be unmatched but with her here, I had a real chance of losing and I could not lose now. Not now what I had my grandmother to think about. Who's going to take care of her? Because of this, I no longer consider death or losing as an option as my way to get my life, there was only one thing for me and that is to be a Victor. If I have to slit everyone's throats open, I would.

The thought of killing isn't a new thing to me, you know. It is something you just have to digest in the Games. For the Hunger Games, I know that I have to push away my conscience and my heart. I get too affected by people and their humanity that I know it could be my potential weakness. Killing is inevitable. If I want to win and I do, I have to kill eventually. I am, of course, a Career and from District Two. I would bring everyone down if I didn't spill blood of those pitiful tributes.

People were expecting one thing before the Games now. All eyes would be glued to all twenty four of us because for that night, every tribute will have their chance under the limelight. I will have the chance to reclaim my viciousness from that District Twelve.

That Girl on Fire.

I vow... I will put you out.

"So what is your angle?" Enobaria asked me as we lounged around the sitting room. Cato and Brutus chose to talk in the dining area where they could talk and stuff themselves with good food. After lunch, we will have a two-hour session with Andrew which was for every bit of stupidity which he knew. I seriously don't know what he will teach me and Cato but I decide to give it a shot.

I raised a brow, "I thought we were going to be vicious?"

"That is for the Training and the Games but now, you have sponsors watching you. You cannot be vicious all the time." Enobaria rolled her eyes as though I should already know this. "What will you be like in front of those people? Your other side? We want them charmed. We want them enchanted by your personality."

Out of all the girls in the Games, I was probably the least charming and enchanting. This is going to take a while.

"Oh yeah, let's enchant them shall we? Shall I throw my knives at them? Let's see how they marvel at that!" I said suddenly, in a tone that Glimmer uses with Cato. I thought Enobaria was going to snarl at me for not being serious but she smiled wide, "What?"

"With your height, your looks and your...famous mother. This could work." Enobaria grinned wide, her teeth flashing under the light. "Clove Holt, I want you to be sweet."

I was the one who snarled. I have had it with pretending. "Sweet? Yeah, because seriously? I am the sweetest girl around! We won't have any bit of problem with that!"

"And sarcastic."

"Oh..." I paused, "I can do that."

"I think that Caesar Flickerman is going to bring up your famous mother. That is going to cause a bit of talking around, of course, but I want you to stand out. You cannot be in Magdalena's shadow. This is easy. Magdalena's interview was completely arrogant. She was going to win that crown with her snarl and scowl. You will win that crown with sweetness and a bit of psychotic personality on the side. Talk about death in the most sugar-coated way possible. Talk about your fellow tributes as though you're saying you think highly of them but you sound otherwise."

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