Chapter 1

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Slapping the dirty dish cloth on the table I wiped away the rest of the crumbs from another customer, working in a cafe wasnt the best thing in the world but it was a way to make money non the less. I carried the last of the dirty dishes from the table to the kitchen, hung up apron and switched the lights of. 'Night Will' I smiled to the owner. He was an older man in his 50's and over time he has became  like a grandfather to me. 'Night  sweetie, see you tomorrow'.

I walked out the cafe and into the alley way, it was an unsual alley way it was narrow with cobble stones with fairy light going up the sides of the houses,and between the houses people call it engament alley because thats where all the guys go to propose to their girlfriends. My flat was above the alley. I stayed there with my older brother, we could afford to live there since we had some rich Aunt in Hawaii who sent us rent every month and my brother paid the rest with his job. My Dad had left us 3 years ago and my Mum sort of went insane after that and had to be taken into a local rehab center. 

I managed to pull myself up the stairs and into our flat. Harris was asleep on the couch, I switched the tv off and walked half dead into my room. Within mintues I was in my bed, sleeping.

Waking up at 6:30am i was greeted by a white blanket of snow. I had to get ready for school, it was a drag. I ran around trying to find my skinny black jeans, combat boots, and my over baggy red jumper. I scrapped my long caramel coloured hair into a fishtail pleate. My make-up the same as always, cat-like eyeliner and pale pink lipstick. I grabbed my bag full of all my school stuff, ran down stairs and a hot chocolate to go was waiting for me in the cafe. My friend Mila was waiting for me outside the cafe in her car.

'Oh my god, its freezing outside' i complained as i got in the car. 'No shit' a voice came from the back of the car, it was Milas twin brother Matty sitting in the back. 'ah hahha' I awkwardly laughed, i had liked Matty for ages, who could blame me he was goregous. Tanned skin, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, the modle type, I would never try anything though, it was my best friends brother. 'Shut up, just ignore him Georgia' Mila rolled her eyes. There was general chit chat on the way to school, I discoverd one of Mattys friends from his swimming tour to Australia last year was joining the school today. I didnt really bother me, people come and go all the time in Baltimore. 

Classes went slowely, until it hit lunch time. I enetered the lunch hall, it smelt of christmas, soups, roast beef, gravy. It was brilliant. I wondered over to the back corner where our table was. Mila was already sitting there, she was a gorgeous as her brother, short brown hair, pirecing blue eyes and tanned flawless skin. I looked like shit compared to her. Another girl Carly was sitting at our table, no-one liked her but she just sort of sat there, being loud and bitchy. 'Oh my days have you seen Mattys friend' she squealed. 'No, no i havent Carly' i slighly rolled my eyes 'Well he is GORGEOUS' she had one of those voices that went right through you. 'Oh and here they come'  My back was facing them so i couldn't see. I couldnt care my main intrest right now was my tomatoe soup. 'Hi Matty, hi Cody is it?' Carly said while pushing her boobs together, what a whore. 'Hey there' Cody's voice was dream like. It was so soft yet deep. Him and Matty sat opposite us. W O W. Carly wasn't exaggerating, he was god like. Tanned skin, blonde hair which was brushed backwords but in a nice way, crystal blue eyes. He dressed good as well. A red and white christmas like jumper, grey skinny jeans and a pair of vans. I could tell i was stairing at him, when i felt a small nip on my leg from Mila. I didnt care, and i was almost 100% positive he was staring back, damn he had the most amazing smile. He almost made Matty look like trash. 'Excuse me, Ma'am' Shit he was talking to me, what was i suppose to do? Words would help! 'Y-ee-s' I stuttered. 'Your pleate is dangling in your soup'. I went as red as my soup. Shoot.Me.Now

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