(1C) Ceasefire

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Love is blind. Love is complicated. Love can be a relationship two people have created.
Love is a bliss. Love is free. Love can be something between you and me.
Love is heaven. Love is hell. Love can still be broken when things go well.

{ Fricherd Vierciano's POV }
<<5-13-15, 9:21// New Manhattan>>

Summer - season of long days and short nights. Not to mention the increasingly hot and dry weather.
How I'd very much like to go to the beach, but unfortunately my financial status is not exactly of a golden spoon's.
That's one of the many reasons why I'm currently in New Manhattan, the busiest city during summer seasons. I'm gonna look for a reasonable part-time job while I'm studying for college.
Although I'd love to enrol to prestigious schools like Harvard, aside from my financial problems, not even my grades can reach their standard level for scholarships.
*sigh* I guess that's life. Tough and unfair.

Anyway, I've got to focus on getting a job first!
"Let's see... Hmmm..."

I'm currently here at the plaza, looking for shops that can hire high schoolers.
Woah. This isn't really my first time here in the plaza, but I've been busy with my life that I haven't visited this place for almost 10 years. Crazy, right?
That's why seeing new shops in the plaza brings such a sight for my sore eyes.

I was walking down the halls while my eyes were still wandering around, full of curiosity as to what these new shops are. My eyes are basically twinkling with delight. Sparkle.
Before I knew it, I bumped into something.... someone... an angel?

"Ouch! Watch where you're going, will you!?"

Scratch that. A demon would be much more appropriate.

I propped myself up and moved to help the girl out. Damn, she's so pretty. Unbelievable.

As soon as I reached my hand, she pretty much slapped it hard.
"Don't you fucking touch me," her eyes glared intensely at me. "...creep."
As she muttered her final word, she quickly dashed away from me.

"What a weird and rude girl." I thought to myself.

I'm not exactly that handsome but I'm nowhere near the definition of a creep! *sigh*

...And that was our first meeting. Crazy, right? Well, maybe not so much. That time, I never would have thought we would end up together. I never knew I could had held feelings for a rude girl, but maybe her rudeness allowed her to steal my heart away.

Her sharp, piercing words. I endured it all. Because I loved her... And I assumed she loved me too. Days after our first meeting, we met again. I learned she was from HWU. We weren't very much comfortable to the eyes of others since I'm from the infamous dirt poor Haggard University.

But I didn't care. I courted her for exactly 5 months. Short but hard. Courting her isn't a walk in the park. I endured the pain and trouble just to make her mine.

And all of a sudden, on the 5th of October, she finally agreed.

Maybe I should have doubted it a bit. Since days before, she didn't seem to have fallen for me. In fact, she was even more vicious towards my advances. I almost got arrested!

But... that time, I didn't care. I couldn't. Joy was filling up my heart and clouding any lingering doubts and suspicions. I was happy that I managed to win her... or so I have thought then. I mean, she was my first love. The only girl I've been serious for since ever.

I guess it was all my wishful thinking. Maybe she was just pitying me, or something to that effect.

Because exactly one year later... we broke up.

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