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As I'm sitting in the food court eating my kebab the guy from adidas runs over. I roll my eyes, what could he possibly want now?

"Okay so I know you thought you were all tough back there and shut me down, but you kinda forgot your credit card so I win!" Although I felt quite stupid I wasn't going to admit that to him. "Did you ever think that maybe I left it there so you'd come running over to me so I could give my number? Which you asked for." His smirk drops.

"Um no." He shakes his head. His right hand still extended holding my card out to me. I grab it standing up grabbing my rubbish. "Yeah me neither, cya bud!" I put everything in the trash and go to my car leaving for home deciding that I was bored with shopping.

I soon realise that I don't have my credit card with me. "Shit!" Turning around I head back to the mall sighing. I walk past adidas and head for the food court. "Yo! Yoga pants looking for this?"

Of course it's him. "Yeah thanks." I reach to take it from him but he pulls it away. " uh uh uh" he wiggles his finger, "not without a kiss and those digits baby girl." I take a pen and a piece of paper from my handbag.

"Turn." I say drawing a circle in the air. He obeys and I proceed to place the paper on his back with my number written on it. "Now for that kiss?" He questions. "It's the number or nothing, sunshine." He takes the piece of paper from my hand giving me my credit card at the same time. "I guess this will have to do for now."

Adidas; sam wilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now