A.N- I cant wait to put this in the end so I am putting it on top right here right now its getting serious! ANNYWAYYYYSSSS picture of her dress on the side >>>>>>>
~Avalons P.O.V~
When I got home Julia wasted no time going through my clothes to figure out what I was going to wear. After about 10 outfits that didn't fit her standerds I was officialy bored. "Jules cant I just wear this!" I say gesturing to my outfit wich I can say wasnt that bad. "Hell No! I would be disgraced letting my best friend go out on a DATE like that!" I roll my eyes at her stupidness and fall back on the bed groaning. About an hour later Julia is fed up with worrying about if I should be casual or fancy so she goes to call Dylan.
5 minutes later she comes running in with a huge grin and goes into my closet once again. This time though she goes through the bags I have stuffed in the way back so no one will ever find them. "Jules you really shouldn-" "YES I GOT IT THE PERFECT OUTFIT!" She holds out a really cute blue dress that I would normally never give a second glance to. Becuase lets face it I dont wear dresses and dont really plan on starting to.
I take the dress from her and grab my black converse while Julia is still in the closet because she would throw a fit if i wore them but hey if im wearing a dress im not throwing on shoes that make my feet hurt like hell. I place the clothes on my bed and see Julia walk out of my closet holding lace un- Oh god she doesnt expect to actually wear that does she? "J-Jules I'm not wearing those!" "Oh yes you are and dont think I didn't see you grab your converse if you wear the converse you have to put these on" I froze, this wasnt happening "Nothings going to happen tonight so why do I have to wear them" I whine. "Well no ones going to see them unless something does happen tonight and if something does you might wanna be prepared" She said smirking. I sigh defeated. Darn You Jules! I thought in my head.
Heard that! Her voice fills my head. Dangit forgot to put my walls up. I quickly put the walls up that block the pack form my mind. I grab the lacey undergarments and dress and proceded to walk to the bathrom making sure to slam the door to express my frustration. When I finally finished I walked out and slipped my converse on sat down on my bed waiting for Jules to talk. "Get your ass back in that bathroom so I can do your hair and make up" I groan why do I have to get all dolled up anyways its just Dylan!
Just Dylan my ass! Star choosese to say. Shut up he isn't our mate get it through your head! I scream at her. She whimpers hiding in a corner of my mind. I walk to the bathroom and sit on the sink as Julia sets the makeup out infont of me. "Now then dont speak dont talk and NO you cannot see yourself till I make you perfect!" She says cheerily.
I roll my eyes and wait for the torture to come.
.::. 2 hour later .::.
FInally! Julia was finally done and I was releived beyond beleif. I turned around to look in the mirror. My hair was in tight curls and my make up was done so I look pretty but not fake. I turned aorund and hugged Julia. "Thank You!" I say. She hugs back laughing. Just then the doorbell rings. I looked at the clock. Damn its already 7! I let go of Julia and run downstairs thankful I wore converse not heels or flats.
I open the door to see the sexiest guy standing at the door. i just stare openly at him for a while. "Take a picture babe it last longer" I scowl at his smirking face and recover from what just happened. As I go to close the door Julia decides to make an appearence. "Hey Dylan if you think she looks good now just wait till you see what she's wearing underneath" She winks at me and I see Dylans eyes are pitch black in lust. Oh good going Jules! Now he's going to be an even bigger pain in the ass. I put my hand in Dylans hoping to calm his wolf. When Our skin touches he snaps out of his daydream and smirks at me.

WerewolfAvalon is just a normal 15 year old girl well as normal as a 15 year old werewolf can be. After her mate rejected her how can she deal with him making fun of her and teasing her every day? How will she react when she tells him the truth and he tri...