A.N.- Its always going to be Avalons P.O.V from now on because I'm to lazy to do another one. Unless its crucial for you to look inside the weird ways of Dylans head he is no longer available in this book XD. JK I will most likely do his P.O.V. every 2 chapters or so but ehh. This chapter is going to be kind of short but you'll see why but Enjoy :D PIc of Dylan on the side >>>>
~Avalon's P.O.V~
I woke up to a very annoyed Julia hitting me with a pillow. "You" She says and hits me with a pillow "Get" another hit "Up and" Yet another hit good god Jules spit it out! "Give" another hit this was starting to get annoying "Me" I just lay there waiting for her to spit it out "The" Really? another one this has gone on long enough "Details" She hits me one last time than stops finally noticing I'm up. "You done?" I ask her slightly annoyed.
She smirked evily "Nope" She said popping the 'p' and lunging at me with the pillow and continusley abusing me with it. "Stop! Stop! Ok ok I'll give you the details Just STOP!" She gives me one last hit and sits waiting for me to explian.
I sigh and give her all the details of the date.
After I finished I give her time to process it and wait for the questions she will most deffinatly have. "So lemme get this straight you KISSED Dylan White?!" She asked her mouth agape. I rolled my eyes "Well actually I gave him a peck on the lips he is the one who attacked my lips" I state already bored with this conversation.
"You loooooovvvveee him don't you!" She says practiclly jumping on my bed.
I roll my eyes "No I wont love that douchbag ever" I knew after it left my mouth that it wasn't true but I wasn't about to tell that to Julia. "He isn't forgiven and it'll take a hell of a lot more than just one date to fix the damage he's done" I state.
Julia rolls her eyes knowing full well I'm lying "Oh give it a rest Avalon I see it in your eyes you love him and already forgave his sorry ass the moment he wrapped his arm around you" I sighed knowing she was right. I looked her straight in the eyes "You tell no one of this" She nods smiling and jumps on my bed "YOU LOVE DYLAN, YOU LOVE DYLAN!" I groan and fall back on my bed pulling a pillow over my face hoping to drown out her words. When she stops finally I throw the pillow at her and walk downstairs.
Luckily no one was home to here her outburst. I open the freezer and pull out the waffles and place them in the microwave. As I wait for the timer to go off I hear Julia make her way downstairs. "Avalon!" she says and I look at her "What?" "Make me pancakes" I look at her like she just grew 4 heads "Hell no!" I scream at her "You have hands do it your fucking self!" She glares at me obviously unpleased I wont make her pancakes.
"You know Avalon we're late for school" Wow random much? I looked at the clock. Damnit it was 9:15. Oh well we'll go in late. "We'll go at 10" I simply reply shrugging. She nods then has an evil grin appear on her face "Watch Dylan flip out that you arent there!" I glare at her and try to ignore the thought that he might be pissed at me for being late.
The thought of him being mad at me hurts me actually. Wow Im such a girl. The 'ding' of the timer snaps me back to the real world and I go to remove my waffles. As I enjoy my wonderful waffles Julia walks in and grabs my plate and eats the 2 remaining waflles. My mouth foorms an 'O' shape and I stare at her again as if she has grown four heads. "What I was hungry and to lazy to make something myself" She says innocently. I glare at her and head upstairs to get ready for school. After Julia also gets ready we grab our stuff and get in the car to head to school.
As we park in the parking lot we quickly get out so we wont be late for 3rd period. As we run to the entrance we quickly blend in with the mass of people heading to their 3rd class of the day.
As I enter English I feel someone yank my arm and when I feel the sparks shoot thorugh me I knew exactly who it was. "Where the hell were you?" He asks sounding angry. I glare at him whats it to him where I am! "None of your fucking buisness" I growl at him annoyed that he is acting like he owns me
"If it involves me its my buisness" I continue to glare at him, an idea suddenly pops in my head. Please that will hurt Mate! Star whines when I think up of my plan. I ignore her. An evil grin appears on my face "If you must know I was with someone my date with you was boring so I decided to go to some other guy for the night" I here him growl and try to control his wolf "Who the hell werey ou with so I can rip his fucking throat out" He says inbetween gritted teeth. I smirk "Oh No one you know" He growls not letting go of me. His eyes are completly black so I know his wolf has taken over.
"You are mine" he growls "No one elses" I roll my eyes. "Again I am not a possesion!" I yell his wolf looks taken aback by me screaming at him. Hurt flashes across his face. "Who was the asshole!" He growls still wanting to know the imaginary guy I lied that I was with. "No one you dimwitt do I smell like another person! No I smell like me jeez your so stupid sometimes now let me go so I can get to fucking class" He looks shocked so I use that to my advantage and pull out of his grip and walk into the classroom.
I take a seat in the back and compeltely ignore the teacher. Honestly I was hoping this class would never end so I wouldn't have to face Dylan. I hate to admit it but he is sexy as hell when he's angry. Sadly though the bel rings interupting my thoughts. Damn an hour has passed already!
I walk off to the lunch room looking for the twins and Julia. I see Ace but he has some poor girl trapped in between him and the lockers. I roll my eyes and look to see if Calvin's nearby. As I'm looking I see something I never thought I would see ever.
My mouth drops open and everything that I have in my arms falls to the floor. The hall gets silent and I get alot of strange stares but I don't care becuase the only people I see at the moment are Julia and Blake in a full make-out session. When they pull apart Julia finally notices me staring at her. She looks terrified
"I-I can e-explain Avalon"

Lupi mannariAvalon is just a normal 15 year old girl well as normal as a 15 year old werewolf can be. After her mate rejected her how can she deal with him making fun of her and teasing her every day? How will she react when she tells him the truth and he tri...