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*Four Months Later*

"Wake up its your birthday!" Logan and Emma yell in unison. I groan and try and cover my head with my pillow. I had to take a sleeping pill last night and I still only got a couple of hours. Yes today is my nineteenth birthday. All I want is for Theo to wake up. He's been in a coma for four months and everyday he's asleep is less of a chance he'll wake up. Logan and Emma are persistent in their quest to celebrate my birthday. They even use the babies against me. They want me to get up and be happy. My friends are trying their hardest to be there for me  but I push them away. I know they will hate me if I ever tell him what I've done.

Anyway back to the babies! The babies that help bring me little by little out of my dark days.

Brinley and Jason are too freaking cute. They are best friends even at four months old. Brinley was born two weeks before Jason. With the both of them learning to crawl we have to be extra careful. I watch the babies whenever their new parents need a break. Don't tell Emma but Brinley is my favorite of the babies. She is so chill and quite unlike Jason who is always getting into trouble. I expect babies to be trouble makers but Brinley is so easy going.

The pack in the last four months has started to respect me more as a leader. It took a while for other packs to treat me like a true Alpha and many wanted to make all decisions with Carter but I made them deal with me and I think most if not all of them respect me more. I could tell many lunas were surprised to see me as such a powerful Luna. I hope this shows other packs the value of their lunas and they will start respecting them more. Hopefully more and more packs will let eldest daughters take the luna position. We added three new members and made an alliance with a large pack in Wyoming. Working with the pack is the only thing that keeps me sane!

Sometimes after everyone is left I stay up all night in the office and try to think of ways to improve the pack. I do everything in my power not to sleep. The only problem I'm having with gaining pack respect are my panic attacks. I get them a lot. When I see teenage girls or annoy gets to close I feel like I can't breathe and that my chest is going to explode. The pack pretends like it's not a big deal but I know it is.

After a breakfast of a bagel and a pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting they whisk me off to the bowling alley. I step in and Carter, Jess, Luke and my parents are there. Along with a few other pack members I've made friends with. Manly two members in Theo's immediate councils who he runs decisions through for more opinions. They are Mal and Matt. Matt is an absolute idiot but in a good way. He is constantly joking around and being a goof. Matt has also decided that we are going to end up together because I am perfect for him. He only says this because I like Marvel and Im on team Captain America. Mal is more quite but he's very sarcastic and witty. We all play two rounds eat a ton of pizza and drink some cheap beer. Carter and Jess, who are now friends because of their mates, spent the entire night joking and pulling pranks.

Even though I miss Theo terribly it was a pretty good birthday. Okay it was a great birthday. On the way home I was belting out Panic! At the Disco when the doctor mind links me. Luna, its Theo I think he might be waking up! I yelp in surprise and tell Carter to step on it. We get to the hospital and I sprint to Theo's room. I grab his hand and for the first time in five months he squeezes back. He slowly opens his eyes and I start to cry.

"Hey Theo it's me. And I love you and please don't ever do that again." I blubber and smile brightly at him. I'm crying but out of happiness. Best birthday present ever! Theo takes a few minutes to really be alert and responding.

"How long was I out?" He asks. I smile at him.

"Six years." I joke. Theo's eyes widen and his mouth gaps. He starts to sit up but I push him down gently.

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