Will I still have a dad

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*Alexis pov*
I was sleeping until I heard my door open and
"Alexis " Harry whispered
" Harry what are you doing " I whispered back
"Come follow me "
" What why"
" Come on please"
He gave me the puppy eyes
" Alright coming " I said
I get out of bed
And walk out of my room and shut the door quietly
" You couldn't resist my puppy eyes" said Harry
"Of course not "
Harry grabbed my shoes and mine
" Where are we going Harry " I asked
"Somewhere" he said
" Harry I'm not going out I'm my pjs " I said holding my shoes
" Yes you are " he said after putting on his shoes
He grabbed his keys and wallet and picked me up
"HARRY!" I screeched
And put me out the door with him and locked the house
" Harry, I'm not going in my pjs! "
I said seriously
" Why do you have to be so serious all the time " he said and picked me up to the car and put me in the front seat like a kid and he got in on the drivers side
And shut the door
" Why do you have to be so difficult" i said
He laughed
" You might want to put your shoes on" he said
" Fine " I said and slipped my shoes on
30 minutes later
"It's been about 30 minutes... where is he taking me?" I asked myself in my head
Then I saw a beautiful ocean
Harry put the car in park near by the ocean
" Here we are " he said
" I don't have a swim suit tho" I said
" Yes you do"
He grabbed the bag behind my seat
And pulled out my swimsuit
" How did you get that " I said
" I found it on the floor" he said
" Alright then " I said confused as I grabbed it
I looked around
" I'm going to change behind that big tree but no looking " I said
" Fine I have my on under my clothes " he said
I got out of the car and ran to the tree
I changed pretty fast so no one would see me
When I finished I came out from behind the tree and toke my shoes off and put them in the car
Harry was turned around in the water waiting
I ran up behind him and slowly walked in
" BOO!" I yelled
He turned around
" I told you, you can't scare me " he said in his jokester voice
" Dang it " I said
I swam farther in the ocean
He did the same
Then he grabbed me bride style and raised me up
" DON'T YOU DARE!!!" I yelled and plugged my nose cause I know Harry he will do it anyways
Next thing I knew he through me
I hit the water back first and suddenly under water
I rises to the top
Wiped my eyes
" YOUR GOING TO GET IT!!!" I yelled
I started splashing water at him
Then when I got my revenge I stopped
I saw him still covering his face from the water
" Ok you got me " he said
" PAY BACK!" I yelled
I swam back to him and got on his shoulders
he grabbed my legs
Then a little bit later I got off and said
"I'm hungry" I said
" Good thing I brought food" he said and walked out of the water to get the food I followed him
He grabbed a towel for me
I wrapped it around me
And walked back to the water and put my feet in the water
I heard the car door shut
I turned around
He laid down the other towel
And put the food basket in the middle of the towel
I sat on the left side
He sat on the right
I opened the basket
I pulled out pizza and grapes
"YAY PIZZA!" I yelled
Me and Harry ate our pizzas
" I'm full" I told Harry and put the rest of the pizza back in the basket
" Me too" Harry said
After playing in the water more
We looked at the time
"5:00!!" Harry said in surprised
" We got to get home" after I said that me and Harry quickly packed up and ran to the car
Harry toke the highway because it's faster
We got home at 5:20
we ran out of the car
Harry unlocked the door quietly
Thank gosh no one heard us
Harry put his keys and wallet where he had them before
I put my shoes back where they were before
We quickly and quietly ran up the stairs
" Night love "  Harry said
" Night " I said and we kissed and when in our rooms and shut our doors
I changed out of my swimsuit and back in my pjs
I threw my hair up and crawled into bed
Then I fell asleep
But my dad woke me up at 7:00 so we can finish packing
I really don't want to leave
Hours later
I heard someone knock on the door
"Hey you almost finished " my dad asked
" Yeah I'm done" I said
" Great! Let's load the truck " he said
" ok" I said depressed
Then my dad left
I sat on my bed
Screaming tears
I really hate this
Then Harry sat next to me
He cuddled with me
I cried
He did a little too
My dad walked in
" Alexis you need to help " my dad seriously
I cried more
My dad waited
I got up and carried some boxes down to the truck
Finally when I was finished the room was empty
Like I never lived there
I sat on the floor
Harry walked in
The skin around his eyes were a soft red color
I could tell he was crying
" Your dad says it time to go" Harry says
" I'm not leaving " I said
Harry came closer and picked me up
" I don't want to do this but I have to " he said
He carried me down the stairs and let me down
I got my shoes on and hugged and kissed Harry
" Bye love " he said
" Bye Harry " I said
We said as we were still hugging
" Alexis " my dad called
We let go
I saw a tear drip down his cheek and fell of his chin
I kissed him he did the same and pulled apart
I walked to the door
Looked back
Saw Harry wiping his eyes as he walked to his room
I hugged Anne and said bye
She was a upset too
My dad wrapped his arm around my neck
And we walked to the truck
I got in so did my dad
He started the engine
Backed out of the driveway
And drove farther and farther away
It toke an hour to get to my new home
When we got there my dad said
"Go check out your room your name is on the door"
" Ok " I said
I left the truck and went into the house I walked up the stairs
And saw the paper with my name on it
No I don't get to pick my room my dad does
I opened the door it was nice
Big closet
My own the bathroom
My bed already set up
I like it but not as much as my other room
After my dad put all the boxes in the house he told me he is going to take the truck back
So when he was gone I toke all my boxes up to my room and started to in pack
6 hours later
No sign of my dad
I tried to contact him
No answer
I got up went down stairs and looked around
He was not there
I grabbed my shoes
But I hear the door
And I heard my dads voice
I walked to the door and opened it
It was my dad and his friend
My dads friend was caring my dad
" Your dad got drunk tonight and he can't walk were do I put him" he asked
My dad seemed pissed
" Set him in that recliner " I said to his friend
He set my dad in the recliner
And his friend left
I locked the door
" PARTY!!!!!!!! " my dad yelled
" Dad your at home " I said
" Shut the f**k up" he said
I have never seen my dad like this
It hurt my heart that my dad that to me
" WERES THE DRINKS " he yelled
"We only have water " I said
" I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE F**K UP" he yelled at me again
Then he kick my leg
I held my leg for a minute
And walked away
But I was stopped
" HEY F****R WHERE YOU GOING " he yelled
I felt a tear coming down
My heart hurt
A lot
I turned around
" I'm going to eat" I said
" Ok I'll grab my stuff" I said
" YOU BETTER HURRY " he yelled
I ran up the stairs and grabbed the biggest suit case we had and I threw everything important in it like my phone,clothes, Harry's shirt etc...
I looked around my room the rest was junk
I zipped up the suit case and ran down the stairs
My dad watched me
I slipped on my shoes and my little purse I threw in the suitcase
" Bye " I said
" LEAVE YOU MISTAKE " he yelled I ran out the door with my luggage
And ran far away from my home
When I was far enough I called Harry
I heard Harry's sleepy voice
" Hey love what's up " he said
I bursted into tears
" Love what's wrong " he said seriously
" Me...meet me at Anthony's toy shop " I sniffed I between my words
" I"ll be there in a couple minutes" he said and hung up
I walked
And walked
And walked
Then I finally made it to the toy shop
I saw Harry's car sitting in the parking lot with him inside waiting impatiently
I walked closer and closer
He kept looking around
Then his eyes laid on mine
He quickly got out of his car and ran towards me
"Omg Alexis lets get you home to my place "
He put my stuff in the back
We both got in and told him what happened on the way home
After I told him he seem pretty pissed
We pulled into the driveway
He grabbed my stuff and unlocked the door and let me in
And lock the door behind him
I still was crying
I just couldn't get over the fact that he said that to me
I saw Anne coming down the stairs
" Omg what happened!!!!" She asked as she hugged me
She pulled away
Harry told her the whole story
Anne was pretty pissed too
" You can stay here as long as you need" she said
" Thanks so much Anne " I said
She helped carry my suitcase into Harry's room
" Ok you are going to be staying in Harry's room " she said
" Ok " I said
" Now is everything locked cause I'm going to bed it's 1:25" she said
" Yep and good night mom" Harry said
" Good night " I said
Anne left and shut the door
I walk into Harry's room and opened my bag and grabbed Harry's shirt
I crawled into bed
Harry did the same
I yawned
" You are so beautiful " Harry said
" AWWW thanks Harry " I said
I turned off the light
Then me and Harry snuggled together and fell asleep
Hopefully the bad words don't offend you
And if they did I'm sorry
Also I hope you enjoyed it
Sorry for not updating in a while

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