the crazy night

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Nathan's pov

He push me away, looking like he loved it but disgusted and unzip the tents and walk out. I look at the spot where he stood before and mutter "is he really upset with me or just stubborn". After unpacking my stuff, I head out and realize maybe I should talk to one of his friends. I walk around trying to spot one of his homies when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip around to see a familiar face.

"Hello Nathan" Zepata smile that devil ass teeth. "I nee-" "YEAH. You want to ask why he's upset and how to win him over" Zepata said. THAT Little bitch. How she know? "Yes.. how you know?"I said. "Nate tells me lots of things." Was all she said. Wait she knows? "So...why and what can I do?" I ask meekly. "You confuse and hurt him unintentionally. The stuff you say contradict what you do. Now to win him over you need to sing him a song" she smiled. I nod, realizing she's right. "But I don't know what song or what he likes???" I said. "Oh. His favorite happen to be" she outlines the rest of the plan. I nod.

Few hours later

Nate's pov

I sit on the log by the campfire. Tonight's suppose to be fun with campfire and singing and that stuff. The teacher speaks into the microphone "tonight's first singer is Nathan Grider" and hand the microphone to him as he comes to the spot.

"Thus sing is for a person I wish would forgive me for my foolish actions. Please listen to it."  He speaks and the beats starts playing. I look at him and he starts singing. After a minute of singing, I struggle to place that song when he sings "when you say we belong to the light we belong to the thunder" Oh fuck you how he know I love that song. "We belong to the sound of the words. We both fallen under." I sing along. Oh fuck you. Fuck this. I get up and start jamming and singing "whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better. We belong we beeeellllooong. We belong together" I sing. I turn around to see him looking at me and winks at me. Fuck that guy. I love him.

Wait.. I love him? Oh.. my... I do. I run to the teacher and whisper a song to him.

Nathan's pov

After finishing the song, I feel confident that I might have won him over. I step down and look around, not seeing him. Leelee, his cool friend, grab me be the arm and seat me down. I see Nate going to the spot smd say "This songs for the person who keeps driving me crazy" and the music starts playing.

"Crazy"... Nate starts singing. "Crazy for feeling so bluuuueee" ok... what's going on... As he sings, he heads toward us and sit on the seat by me "I'm Crazy for trying and crazy for crying. And I'm crazy for loving yoouuuuu" he sings, looking out of his corner of eye at me. He heads back up and finish singing.

As other people sing up there, I notice Nathan and his two friends are missing. I look around and notice their by the girls tents. I get up and walk toward them. I overhear the voices but can't make it out. I get closer and hear "I get it he likes me but with the way he's acting it's like a game to me. I hope my song just try to get him to understand.-" I walk away from them and head into the woods... this is killing me. Doesn't he realize I'm not playing a game!!

An hour later

I Come back, after my reflections, amazed no one's notice. I head to my tent and see Zepata coming out.

"Don't wake him up, he kinda went off and pass out. Best if you leave him alone..." I nod and step inside. I see him, sleeping with drool coming out. It's cute, how he's sleeping.... I take my shoes and shirt off and grab a blanket. I lay next to him and cover us up. Before I know it, his snoring lulled me to sleep.

Nate's pov

I open my eyes and wake up and try to move my arms. I can't. Did i...I lose my arms? I  look down to see muscles on a arm and look behind me. Damn, it's Nathan. I hope nothing happened last night.


Sorry if the chapter seem rushed but thanks to my friend Jordan and thanks for over a hundred views!!

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