Planning the dance

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Planning the dance

Percy's P.O.V.

"And everyone has to go to the dance," Chiron finished.

"What if we're injured?" Angelina asked while pointing a knife at Chiron without realizing it. When she noticed the knife, she hid it behind her back and smiled.

"If you or Percy gets injured you still have to go." I guess he knew we'd hurt ourselves to get out of this.

"Now all of you find dates," Chiron said and walked out.

Nico stepped toward Angelina, "Angelina will you come to the dance with me?"

Angelina smiled, "I'd be honored Nico."

"Wait I have to buy you flowers, don't I!" Nico said looking worried.

"Don't worry Nico I won't make you buy me flowers," Angelina reassured him, holding his hand. Nico smiled relieved.

"Yeah you buy her alcohol and she'll be just as happy, "I called over from where I was making out with Annabeth.

Angelina nodded, "It's true. Hey I wonder if there will be alcohol at the dance..."

"I hope so that would be awesome!" Everyone agreed with me.

Angelina's P.O.V.

"Wow, "I said. "This place looks amazing!" We just walked into the dining pavilion, where we were having the dance in a couple hours. Technically we weren't supposed to be in here before the dance but we just had to see it. (I know the dining pavilion doesn't have walls or a roof but please just pretend it does). There were pink and blue streamers hanging down from the ceiling, all the tables were moved aside and were holding food and drinks, there were some speakers and instruments cause demigods shouldn't use Ipods but we do sometimes. There were also some Aphrodite kids putting up more decorations (the rest were playing matchmaker).

By now most people have dates except for the Ares kids and the Aphrodite kids are trying to get them dates.

I look around and see how nice this place is and how excited everyone is. Maybe, just maybe, this dance wasn't a terrible idea.

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