I saw Bianca

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Hello! This is a short chapter but I updated so that's worth something.

Dedicated to you_cant_handle_me

*Please pretend Hades lets people out of the Underworld for a few days sometimes. Unless they're demigods no one will remember the person coming back to life.

Wolfman613: I don't want to kill Bianca. Sorry. But I will make the Manticore come!

Previously: I hated to break her trance, to bring her back to reality. But I needed to tell her this now. This was the perfect moment.

"Angelina," I started and she turned to look at me. "I-" But I didn't get to finish. Because right when I was about to say something, a piercing scream filled the air.

A scream that sounded so familiar.

It could only belong to one person.

My sister.


Nico's P.O.V

I had no idea what could be going on but I was nervous. By the looks of Angelina was nervous too. After all her and Bianca were really good friends; Bianca was one of the only people Angelina actually liked.

Right away we raced down the hill towards the noise. As we got closerI noticed there was a crowd building and people were taking out weapons. This couldn't be good. I wondered why she was there. How she was alive? It was almost impossible. Then I remembered the conversation I'd overheard in the Underworld, before Angelina came to camp.

"Please," I heard Angelina beg.

"No," my dad replied.

"Why not?," Angelina demanded."I just want to see my brother for once!"

"Get over it, Angelina," my dad told her without emotion."If your brother wanted you back he would come and get you himself."

"He's come down to the Underworld multiple times, but you won't let him near me!" Hades just shrugged.

"I can't believe you Hades!" Angelina exclaimed."You let dead people out from here but I'm not a loud to go?" I couldn't believe what I'd heard. Hades let dead people out from the Underworld?

"That's different," Hades said."No one will remember them being alive but everyone will remember you!"

"I guess that's your excuse with Bianca too," Angelina said."You don't want people remembering her ever living!"

"I'm protecting my daughter," Hades argued.

"You let Hazel come back to life. Why not Bianca?"

"Because I don't want her to walk the earth again. Imagine how she would feel when she got back."

"She would've had a taste of freedom though. She would've gotten to see her friends again, to fight with her silver arrow. You should let her go. She'd be very grateful... I promise," Angelina said softly.

I guess Angelina convinced Hades to let Bianca out. It all made sense. Everyone parted for Angelina and me. And I saw what was happening.

I saw the Manticore.

I saw the arrows.

And for the first time in months...

~I saw Bianca~

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