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Hopefully by now, you, too, have shown some interest in your human of choice through many interesting, silly, thought- provoking, and kind conversations.  Congratulations, it's time to ask them out.

Once again, Jamie sees Wren sitting outside in the sun reading a book, her eyes traveling furiously over the pages.

Gaining confidence to speak to Wren was very hard for Jamie but he likes her so much that he decides that he has no choice. He knows he can't do anything much worse than spill his drink all over her.

Hearing approaching footsteps and crunching grass, Wren looked up from her book.

"Jamie, hello. It's nice to see you."

"Hi, Wren. I'm happy I've found you."

Looking confused, Wren raises her eyebrows.

"Oh, no. It's nothing bad," Jamie scratches the back of his head, a nervous habit, and releases an awkward laugh. "I was just wondering if we could maybe, I don't know, hang out this weekend? You see, the fair is in town and it would be really fun if we went together."

Wren laughs, making Jamie's stomach turn in on itself in adoration, "Of course I'll go with you. Saturday night would be perfect for me."

On the inside, Jamie does a happy dance but only nods and smiles like an idiot for her. "Sounds perfect," he says. "I'll pick you up around 5:30?"

"Great. Can't wait."

And when Wren finally leaves, Jamie does the happy dance for everyone else to see.

hey lovelies

 glad i could finally get another (short) chapter up

 hope you enjoyed

 ill edit it and post more soon

thank you so much for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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