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-Eomma Jin: What does everyone want me to buy from the store.

-Taelien: Pizza?

-Taelien has logged out-

-The Golden Maknae: Chicken?

-monsterofrap: I don't care as long as it is edible.

-Horses are life: Same here.

-Eomma Jin: I guess Suga is still asleep.

Jimingotjams: Nope his is in the car kitchen screaming about why there is no food.

-#Swaggiest around: No I'm not!!!

-Jimingotjams: Oh if you say so.

-Jimingotjams and #Swaggiest around has logged off-

-Eomma Jin: Can someone help me with the shopping please.

-The Golden Maknae: Yeah sure I'll be right down.

-monsterofrap: Did I hear Jin say food. If I did good as I am starving.

-Eomma Jin: Suga get it of the shopping bags so I can unpack and make you all food.

-#Swaggiest around has logged on-

-#Swaggiest around: But I'm hungry.

-Eomma Jin: Have an apple then.  

-#Swaggiest around: No I don't like apples.

-Eomma Jin: You have never tried one though.

-#Swaggiest around: Nevermind.

-Horses are life: * Starts to sing nevermind*

-Eomma Jin: We don't want to damage Kookie's ears now do we.

-Horses are life: Your right sorry Kookie.

A/N: Hope you are enjoying the fic so far see you soon.

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