Chapter 2

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The Mana Transmission Terminal was another innovation brought about by the king himself. It used mana energy to animate foes known as spawns, the perfect targets for combat training. There was never any need to hold back. And yet...

"On second thought, do you think this is really a good idea?" I asked Leo.

"Of course," he said, careful not to be rude in his disappointment. He couldn't activate the MTT without me by the king's rules, and I knew that frustrated him. "It's the best avenue to increase our aptitude for combat and functions as a great workout as well."

"Sure, it's ideal, but it's also built for the adults of the castle."

"This is true, Xenron, but talented young people like those from the KEY program can do passingly well with it. You and I have done fine before, especially against soldiers. We should aim to improve upon that."

I sighed. "You're right, of course, I'm just letting my fear of the third round and beyond get the better of me," I admitted.

Then, I picked up the belt that held my sheathed blade and fastened it around my waist, feeling the comfortable weight on my left hip. I set my hesitation aside and walked across the hard clay-like courtyard to reach the terminal in the center of a large clearing. As usual, no one was waiting to use the terminal; few people were allowed to, and the elites generally preferred to train at night. Some would actually train exclusively during deepnight. While I approached, the terminal scanned my retina to make sure I was an approved user. When I stood immediately before the machine, I put my finger into a slot where a needle pricked it, extracted blood to test DNA, and then sterilized the wound and covered it with generic skin cells, creating the illusion of instant healing. I winced at sudden sharp pain but reminded myself that as a fighter, I would have to get used to much worse.

Once it had confirmed my DNA, the black machine that seemed like an ambiguously advanced printer lit up in lines with a bluish glow as if cobalt blood began to flow through its veins. The hard but nearly transparent tinted lucidium screen requested my 32 digit password, which I promptly provided via touchscreen to prevent the machine from locking. At this point, the panel displayed options for standard mode, survival mode, and round select. Hoping to accomplish something new, I selected standard mode and readied myself for the rounds to come.

Then, at the voiceover's prompt, Leo and I walked onto the center of a circular panel of darker stone. Once we were inside, a viscous fluid formed a translucent dome around the fighting area with a radius of 25 meters. This dome could make certain that no magic or physical momentum would escape this area, leaving the rest of the garden unscathed. The floor had a sigma radiation current running through it like active grensteel, and this by-product of mana use made the material essentially unbreakable. Presently, however, I focused on the laser projectors embedded in the fluid surrounding us. And moments later, I would have to watch them very carefully. A voice boomed which, like everything else, was limited to the enclosed dome.

"Round one will now commence. If a laser targets you for a full second, it will fire a 5 femtosecond pulse. Avoid lasers to progress."

The round began. I looked around rapidly, finding all of the red beams scanning along the ground. Four traced along in my direction, and I ran hard to my left to evade them, watching the positions of other beams. One near Leo meant that if I kept my head high, I would get zapped without even noticing. But if I made myself horizontal, I would be an easy target for lasers near myself. Thus I ran, staggering and ducking below and around beams. Then, aligning briefly with Leo, I noticed a red dot on my skin. My right foot pushed off the ground hard and I accelerated before the beam fired. I heard the hiss of the beam's heat in the stone where I was a moment ago. However, I had made my way out of the situation, and I let myself feel the exhilaration of the run.

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