Chapter 1

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Storyteller's note: Xexens mature much faster than humans, Prometheans, Lucerna, Caligo, and other humanoid species. A Xexen of seven years is at least the equal of a Promethean of twelve in every respect, on average, and stronger than a human of 12 in various ways.

"Xenron, why don't you have any stone root on your plate? It's essential that you get some in your system."

Looking at the gray root that boiling had barely softened, I grimaced. Even from across the fine mahogany table, the steaming root's spice stung my nostrils. It was like standing inches from a large bonfire and trying to endure the heat.

"Is there any point, Leo?" I whined. "I've been eating the stuff every day for weeks now, and I haven't been able to cast a single spell. I haven't even summoned my mana. What even is this mysterious stuff?"

Leo's deep coffee-brown eyes stared disapprovingly back into mine, and I could tell it was by measured self-control that he avoided criticizing me.

"I'm not going to bore you with the particulate model of mana right now; it's sufficient for you to understand that it is integral in Xexen maturation and, when controlled, the power source for magic. And, moving on, consuming stoneroot regularly is the single best way to increase mana levels. You've been good about eating sannhets for stabilization, so you ought to keep up with stone root as well."

"I appreciate your concern, Leo, but sannhets are delicious while stoneroot burns my mouth. You know I've always been really sensitive to—"

"Well, would you get a load of that! The mighty Xenron has a sensitive side. Who knew?"

Johan fired his usual scorn at me from a table away, and he rose and strode across the obsidian-black tiled floor to confront me. Standing nearly a full head above my pathetic meter-and-a-half height, he was intimidating without trying. Seated as I was, I would have been in his shadow if not for the even, ambient lightning that shined on the marble walls enclosing the dining hall. The light didn't matter, though; Johan's grimace and the cutting look in his golden eyes created all the darkness he needed.

"How sweet... is that how you woo all the ladies, Xen? Please, tell me your secrets."

Through his wave of acidic sarcasm, I stared down at my plate without a word, my rows of teeth firmly pressed into each other and blocking any air that might escape my heavy lungs.

"Johan, will you just let us eat? It's none of your business," Leo interjected.

"You should stop defending Xenron all the time, it's not worth it. How is he ever going to get a grip if we all babying him?"

He grabbed my chin forced me to face his glare.

"And why can't you answer for yourself?"

As he stared daggers into my eyes, cold sweat beaded up on my flaccid hands as they dangled lifelessly at my side. Leo quickly tore the hand away and stood defensively with a marked nervousness. My muscles clenched with indignation as I thought Johan might strike him. However, the aggressor's hands dropped. Under his oppressive gaze, my heart would beat slowly and quietly, as if for some great terror of being discovered. His blonde eyebrows were angular and focused in as if to form an arrow on Johan's furrowed forehead.

"Seriously, Xenron, when are you going to get a grip? You have to eat stoneroot to get stronger. It's healthy. You're just making the same old excuses because you're afraid of pain. It's pathetic; people that can't make use of their gifts don't deserve the air they breathe."

My mouth was as dry as the desert under an unforgiving sun and my stomach contracted as if to empty itself. With airy and pained speech, could only manage a few words, and sadly, they were not bold like I had hoped for.

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