Chapter 1

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Its been the worst two weeks of my life. Right after the giant war, a demigod came and my dad had claimed him.

He looks weird, with pond scum looking eyes, really big for a child of Poseidon.He didn't even look like me, much less my dad.

When he got to camp, he came in getting attacked by a hellhound pup, of all monsters. Screaming like a little girl, so i picked him up and took out my sword out of my pocket and stabbed it.

He then punched me and took my sword from me.

And believe me, I was pissed. So I took my sword back and put it at his throat. Then he screamed and camp came.

And I told them my story and Andrew came up with a story of how he slew all these monsters and that i just wanted the credit so I was going to kill him. And most of the camp believed him.

Then I went on a quest without anyone knowing except for Chiron. Then I had just gotten done doing some quests for Athena so I can marry her daughter Annabeth.

I had made a ring worthy of the gods. It was a beautiful ring made out of two grey diamonds and a sea green diamond in the middle.

I was going to propose to her. I went to the Athena cabin and knocked on the door and Malcolm answered and I asked "Where is Annabeth"

And Malcolm replied "I dont know."

So I asked him to tell Annabeth to meet me at the beach at sunset. So, I went to the beach and was going to wait there for her.

But when I got to the beach I saw two people kissing. When I looked at the girl she had blond hair, and I thought, just another daughter of Athena.

But then I heard the guy say " When are you going to dump that loser Percy Jackson?"

Then I heard a very familiar voice say "Probably when I see him next".

That's when I lost it. I said " Annabeth, I thought you loved me?" And I threw the ring box at her and then she told me "Percy wait."

But I didn't listen to her and ran to my cabin and then packed up my stuff and wrote to the camp saying:
Dear Camp,
I am leaving camp, I feel like you guys are all distancing me from you saying that I have been traiter. My fatal flaw is loyalty. Why would I ever go against you. I saw Annabeth kissing my stupid half brother Andrew. And totally lost it. I am going to Olympus and I'm going to wish for death. You have lost your hero, the one that has saved Olympus twice. Bye, don't ever look for me because you will never find me.
Percy Jackson

Then I put it on my bedside table and packed up all my things and ran out of my door and I ran all the way to the empire state building and I told the guard "600th floor please" and he replied "There is no 600th floor"

I was not in the mood for it so I took out my sword and held it to his throat and said "I am not in the mood for your bullshit right now, either give me the key or I'm going to take your head off"

He gulped and gave me the key. Then I went to the elevated and the music was actually pretty good this time, but it made me cry, it was see you again by Wiz Khalifa. Paul Walker was probably my favorite son of Aphrodite. He was awesome, when I found out that he died I felt sad. Then I watched furious seven and cried.

(And I'm listening to see you again right now, it makes me sad that Paul Walker died, he was and always will be my favorite actor)

When I got to Olympus I went to the throne room and I saw that lady Hestia is here and she came up to me and gave me a hug.

I asked while bowing "Lady Hestia, what is your honest opinion of me?" And she replied "Percy, you are my favorite nephew, you have always shown me respect, you have always noticed me and with that I want to ask you a question".

And what she said surprised me. And I replied "Lady Hestia, you may ask the question."

And she said "Will you become my first adopted son and my first Champion?" To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"I would love to become you Champion.... Mom" and she smiled while I said that and started chanting in ancient Greek.

Then I felt all warm and fuzzy and felt a lot of power course thew me. And then Hestia said "you can shape shift into any animal you want." And then I shape shifted into a pitch black wolf with red tipped ears, and on my shoulder there was a symbol of the hearth and a trident representing that I am both the child if the hearth and a child of the sea.

Then I went back into my human form and asked Hestia if she can call for an Olympian counsel.

And she said yes. A few minutes later was all the Olympians and then Zeus saw me and asked "What can I do for the twice saviour of Olympus?"

And I said I said "I wish to die sorry Hestia, but my grief is to great"then Zeus said "I have a better offer, do you want to become a god, and the guardian of the hunt?"

This time it was Artemis who spoke "What, father he's a boy."

And Zeus said "he will be the guardian of the hunt and that official" then Zeus turned to me and started chanting to me in ancient Greek and I felt power go thew me and then he announced "Percy Jackson God of hero's, swords, rivers, fresh water, wolfs, and fighting. And he is the new Olympian and guardian of the hunt."

I felt overwhelmed. Then Hestia came forward and announced "Percy Jackson, my adopted son, Champion of the hearth."

And all the gods and goddesses became quiet. And then Aphrodite came forward and have me her blessing when she was finished and the goddesses where drooling over me. Even the Artemis, with those beautiful silver eyes, nice curves... Stop Percy, she's a maiden goddess.

What he didn't know was that a certain goddess with silver eyes was listening into his thoughts and started blushing.

There you guys go. A felt like I needed to write a Pertemis story, I also think I might sooner or later do a Percy and Hestia fanfic. Because I always thought that Percy should end up with Hestia. But until tomorrow, peace out bros and until next time, (tomorrow) I already started the next chapter. But, also check out my other book Percy Jackson: Betrayal

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