Chapter 7

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Here is an extra long chapter for my readers for all your suport. 1,080 word chapter


Percy POV

Ugh, I feel sore and I cant get up. I look around and I'm in a room of white. Pure white. I cant see a door or anything.

Is this heaven? No, get out of my head ADHD. But why, its fun to mess with you. And I block my ADHD out somewhat.

Then I sense something move to my right, and I see Chaos to my right.

Then it all comes back to me, how Chaos said that I'm his son and that technically I'm a primordial.

How Chaos restored all my past glory to me, all my powers and stuff like that.

Then I groan out "Chaos"

"Huh" I hear in response.

"Where am I?" I questioned.

"You are on planet Celestia, the home of Chaos. It's also your birth right, as your my heir and successor of the universe.

"So, I'm not a son of Posiedon?" I question my 'father'.

"Technically no, your not, but he has been more of a father to you than I have in your whole life. If any man deserves repect, it's Posiedon, he has done a lot for you." Chaos tells me.

"Am I allowed to let my kids Jason and Zoe up here with me?" I ask.

"Yes, yes you're allowed to have your children her, and your wife Artemis is actually th princess of the universe and will be the queen once I fade, which is very soon my son." Chaos says.

"But dad, I just found out that your my biological father, and your fading on me?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry son, but my end nears, probably in the next few hours. In which you will be the creator of the universe and follow in my footsteps and right the earth from all wrong doers. You are to remove Zeus as king, and Hera as queen, as we all know zues is a terrible ruler and is way too paranoid to be king, and Hera is to self centered with crating her so called 'perfect family' and in place you are to select a new King and a new Queen in there place."

"OK father, I'll do that for you." I tell Chaos.

"My time is up son, it's time for you to take action, I want to see the world for the next 500 years under their new rulers as time flies bye faster up here than down on earth." Chaos tells me.

Then he flashes me back to Earth and I discover that 10 years gave passed in my absence and I decide to have a little bit of fun.

I use my new found abilities and put on a black assassin cloke** and walk up to Olympus and I go behind my throne and mask my powers.

They are all in a council talking about what happened to me. If there has been any news on my whereabouts.

Artemis POV

Where is he, where is my seaweed brain, I've missed him so much. The council is a mess without him.

Zues breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Have you had any contact with Persues in the last year?" Zues asks me.

"No I haven't, I wish he was here, so that he can watch his little girl and boy grow up. Their almost ten, in two years they will be able to go to camp half blood, he's missed so much of their life." I reply.

Then out from behind Percys throne comes a person clad in black dressed like an assasin.

Zues automatically says "Who are you and why have you broken into the council".

Percys POV

"Well Zuesy, I've had recent news that a new King and Queen are to be assigned to the role, someone that's more capable as king than you, and more capable as Queen than Hera." Then I throw off my hood.

Automatic chattering is heard from all the olimpians.

"And my father, my biological father Chaos, has assigned me to anoint a new King and Queen, and I have made my disision. Posiedon come here." I order Posiedon.

He comes over to me and kneels at my feet.

Aunt Hestia, come here please.

She comes over to me and is about to kneel but I stop her and tell my dad to to rise.

"Mother, father, I have anointed both of you to take the crowns as king and queen. Hestia because you install hope into everyone, even the people who have lost all hope in life, you have given me a new purpose in life, to aid in your help, you gave me hope when no one else could, and for that I thank you. You are my mother in all but blood. You are the QUEEN OF OLUMPUS anyone who object raise your hand." Hera and Zues object.

"Oh I forgot about you too. With my power gave to me by the creator, I hereby declare you minor gods, fo serve the king and Queen and the rest of Olympus, you are a minor god and a minor goddess and if you don't change your ways, you will cease to exist." I tell them. The Hestia glows red and gains a crown on the top of her head. Then I turn to Posiedon.

"Father, I have recently discovered that my birth father is actually Choas. But you were always there for me despite knowing that I wasn't your blood son. For that I will always hold a deep respect for that, and you did everything for my mother knowing that you were going against the ancient laws by doing so. For this, you deserve the throne, but what you have done for the council is undeniably honorable for Olympus. I love you father. I hereby declare Posiedon king of Olympus and I will also bring back Sally Jackson to be your queen and wife." I tell posiedon.

And then I turn to the love of my life, my moon to my restless seas. My wife.

"Artemis, you are no longer an Olympian, but a primordial, you are given that title because you are now the queen of the universe as my father is fading as we speak and I will be the new King of the universe, the creator. We are the start to the new generation of gods, the new age. The Silver age." I tell her.

Thank you guys so much for all the reads and follows. I know that this chapter was wayyyy overdo. 23,000 views on my book. You guys are amazing.

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