Boys and Cocaine

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"Phil. Phil, wake up." I awoke to a smiling Dan, shaking me slightly.

I groaned and stretched, almost falling off the couch.

"What time is it?"

"Two in the morning."

"Oh. I guess you wanna go to bed then?" Of course he does, dumbass.


"Okay, well I'll go get you a pillow and an extra blanket."

About the time I got into my room I heard Dan yell my name and I ran back into the other room to see what was going on.

I met him in the hallway. "Dan, are you okay? You don't look well."

"I just, uh, it was really dark and, uh..." Tears started to run out of his eyes.

"Shh. It's okay." I hugged him close and traced circles on his back.

We stood like that for awhile until I felt him relax. I heard soft snores coming from his mouth and giggled.

"Danny, you've got to wake up. I'm not strong enough to carry you to bed." I whispered.

I shook Dan awake enough to get him to stand.

"You can sleep in my room if you don't want to be alone."

"I'd like that", he mumbled, half asleep.

We shuffled into my room and I got him changed into a pair of shorts.

Finally, once he had laid down, I got changed and crawled into the other side of the bed.

I felt Dan squirm around and jumped when a hand touches my side.

"Philly, why are you so far away?" He scooted closer to me, pressing his body against my back. "That's better." He sounded fully awake now.

My breathing got shallow and my heart beat sped up as I felt his fingers glide along the curve of my hip and back up my side.

"Weren't you half asleep a few minutes ago?"

"Well I guess I woke up." He whispered, pressing his lips against my neck, softly.

I rolled over to face him and sure enough, he looked fully awake.

"Phil, I think I like you."

My heart stopped.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since that day in the comic book store you've been all I've thought about. After you left, I asked Pj about you but you guys never really talk, so I kept going to the coffee shop. Talking to you is the highlight of my day, and you have taken control of my head. When I get dressed, I put on what 'Phil would love on me'. Every time I listen to a song, I always end up relating it to some conversation we've had. Whenever there's a quiet moment I find myself thinking about your eyes that remind me of the blue tide of the ocean when it's sunny and the water is so shallow you can see exactly how blue it is, or your pink pouty lips and how fucking amazing they'd feel against mine, or even how beautiful your voice sounds speaking my name. You've consumed my life and I love it."

My brain stopped working. My internal dialogue was something like: Kiss him. No wait. Holy hell he actually likes me. Come on Phil you obnoxious twat, SAY SOMETHING! I love you? No too much. I like you too? No! Phil you pathetic piece of bark.

But all of that stopped when I felt his lips pressed against mine. I'm not exactly sure who kissed who but it didn't matter because once his lips met mine everything stopped. My internal dialogue was silent. All I could think about was how perfect this was and what I'd give up to have this forever.

We pulled away and I looked him in the eyes. He had the look in his eyes like you would see in the eyes of an addict when they look at their drug of choice after trying to quit for a week.

It was then that I realized he was my drug. I woke up thinking of him an I fell asleep thinking of him. I'd stop at nothing to have him no matter the consequences. I was an addict and he was my drug.

"Dan, will you be my cocaine?" I blurted out.

"What the bloody fuck are you talking about?" He laughed.

"Shit. I meant boyfriend. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure how you confuse cocaine and boyfriend, but I'd love to be yours." He kissed me softly and we tangled ourselves together and went to sleep.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I promise to try to update more frequently.
I am a dirty liar I said this about two years ago and I'm not gonna finish it so here ya go bitches.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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