April, 1997

20 2 0

Saturday Morning

I woke up to sun rays smashing me in the face through the blinds. I let out a groan.

"Morning sweetheart".

I let out another groan, pulling the blanket over my head.

'WAIT! Ugh that jerk must've chucked the blanket back over me when I fell asleep' , I thought.

All of a sudden an older man with dark brown hair comes barging through the doorway. He looks over to me and just stared for a second or two, then looks towards Dean.

"Son" he says sternly "Please tell me you didn't have a girl over last night and in your bed while your brother is here".
He was hinting at sex in the nicest possible way with Sam in the room.

"What? No! Dad that didn't happen. We all watched a movie and then went to bed. I took the sofa", Dean chuckled.

The Winchester's father looked back over to me.

"What's your name?", he asked.

"Skylar Perry"

"You don't happen to be related to Ian and Olivia Perry by any chance?"

"Yeah. They're my parents. Why?"

He looked over to his boys and back to me with sadness written on his face while letting out a long sigh.

"There's something I need to tell you and I'm going to get straight to the point and not sugarcoat it. Ghosts, werewolves, demons; they're all real. Monsters are real."

"Why are you telling her this?!", Sam interrupted.

"Ssh Sam!", their father obviously didn't like to be interrupted.

"Umm sorry was that a metaphor for something?", I asked beyond confused.

"Last night around 11:00, a werewolf broke into your house and killed both of your parents. I was tracking the thing but I was too late. Both of their hearts were missing", he said showing no emotion.

I turned to Sam and Dean. They didn't seem at all phased about the crazy stuff that just came out of their father's mouth, they just looked sad.

There was complete and utter silence. So quite you could hear a pin drop.

Dean was the first to talk.
"Come on. I'll drive you home".

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"The names John Winchester".

"Thank you John", he nodded.

I don't know what I was thanking him for but it just felt right.
And with that I walked out the door with Dean. We made our way down the stairs and into the Impala.
I then realised I forgot my school bag but I didn't really care at that moment because I had also just lost my parents.

We drove back to my house and I noticed yellow tape around my home.
I turned to Dean, tears welling in my eyes. It finally dawned on me that my parents might actually be gone.

"Hey Dean?"


"Would it be ok if I go in by myself?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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