I Love You (CUTE)

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You're chillin with Lucas and he begins to ask you something. You think it's bad cuz he hits you with the 'We need to talk'

"What is it?" You ask hesitantly, scared of what was going to be said

"I've got something I need to get off my chest for a long time now" he continues

"Oh god Lucas please don't tell me you cheated and got some bitch pregnant" you shout, angrier than sad

"No and I'm a little hurt that you'd think that" he fake cries holding his chest

"Oh whatever, now out with it" you rush him, dying to kno what he has to say

"Okay look baby you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't think I could picture my life without you. I want you to be my wifey and have my children and I want to grow old with you as we watch our grandchildren run around while we sit on the porch in our rocking chairs," he rambles on, making you tear up and giggle a little. "I want us to be the "goals" that everyone wants to have with their significant other and last but not least I wanted to say I love you baby"

Taking in everything he'd just said, you look up at him with tear-stained cheeks as more continue to roll down. Grabbing his face, you kiss him passionately for a awhile.

"I love you too, Lucas" you exclaim and he cheeses as hard as ever.

"Thank god, I was hoping you'd say it back now for the suprise" he says, covering you're eyes and taking you somewhere outside.

Uncovering your eyes, he reveals a candle lit dinner on the beach. Around the table were red roses making the shape of a heart.

"It's beautiful Lucas...you did this by yourself?" You ask, knowing he isn't with that romantic stuff

"I had a little help from my boy Dillyn, you kno he all about dat" he chuckles

Pushing in your seat for you, he sits and y'all begin to eat.

"This food is sensational" you joke making Lucas laugh

"You Funny but I did cook this by myself by the way" he bragged getting cocky

"It's really good you throw down babe" you said

"I do a lil summ summ in the kitchen"

"You are so cocky Oh my god it's hilarious" you laugh

"Girl look at me, I am a light skin sexy god"

"My light skin sexy god, that is" you correct him

"Damn right" he says, leaning over the table giving you a kiss "I love you" she adds

"I love you too baby" you reply
Nice imagine or nah?
Can I get some comments thoe?
Oh and shout out to ILoveRocandPrince2 for voting on the first imagine
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Next update: 20 Reads

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