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I knew today was going to be first impression so I grabbed me sneaker wedges, tricolored colorful elastic like pants things (not yoga pants the other ones) and my 🙉🙈🙊 shirt. This would be the first day of the rest of my life. Oh and I grabbed my cute little broken blue backpack. I packed my lunch and got in the car. I made sure to get there early so I could snatch him before any other girls could (to make the haters jelly). I walked into school. Down the stairs, straight, turned left, straight, turned left again, straight, turned right. There he was, standing there, the beautiful blonde headed, brown eyed, boy named Jace. I had a mini panic attack and walked straight toward him (I DIDNT FALL YAY!) I said "omg you actually made it." He said "excuse me do I know you?" I replied "better than you know" "huh?" He said. "Not important right not let me show you around you must be new." I said. "Ok I'm down for that." He replied. I knew at this moment he would soon figure out the truth about me. Is that good or bad? I would like to think of it in the moment as good and that's how it's gonna stay. OKAY? Meanwhile Jace is getting his things out of his locker and I ask him what his schedule is and it turns out we have the same schedule. I say to jace how there are 2 different home bases for Latin 1 the potatoes and the kids who are to popular to notice me. I ask him which one he wants to go to and he says the popular kids. Confuzzled I reluctantly agree and I tell him what I meant earlier I say. " jace, I am the one who has been emailing you." He looks happy and he asks "are you the one who has the Instagram account called @ follow_me_jace ?" I answer yes and I want to tell him that I like him but before I can I enter the classroom and the 2 bullies are there but Jace doesn't know it yet because I never told him. Their names are well actually I shouldn't mention names. But let's just call them bully #1 and bully #2 bully #1 has brown hair and bully #2 has blonde hair. I tell jace to wait outside and watch. He listens. He stands outside watching. #1 and #2 approach they say "so hannah how's jace going 😂😂😂 I BET HE HASNT FOLLOWED YOU YET😂😂😂" I reply with slight anxiety "that is correct" they push me to the ground. Jace rushes in and helps me up. #2 says sarcastically "hey hannah who's this... He's not jace that's for sure." I reply "well actu-." They say " I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR FUCKING NONSENSE." Jace gets really angry now and says " why are you guys being mean to hannah she can have a fanpage for this so called jace person of she wants to all you're doing is making her feel bad about herself and you know what??? My name is Norman, Jace Norman." Jace and I walk out. Jace asks me why I never told him about this and I say I was going to just not rn. We go to Latin and my friends take the desks out of the rows and put them in a line. Jace pulls a desk next to me. He quickly realizes that all we do in Latin is roast people. When Latin ends we walk to Engineering Tech. He asks stuff about me and I answer (basically everything is the same about us except for everything). Jokingly, I ask him the question he is asked in the first episode of Henry Danger. We had arrived at tech and this was the first day of the quarter so we had to pick partners to build the robot with. I of course chose jace but since I had already done this class the teacher thought I would work alone. It was day 1 so we were learning about the robots and learning the programming. Jace was confused so I helped him. He thought of ideas for the modification of it and I built the robot then we switched. The bell rung it was time for 3rd period. It was a B day so that meant that we had art. The day had gone by so fast it was already lunch. I told jace that he had 2 options. Go up in the cafeteria and be social or stay downstairs and watch old movies. He chose cafeteria. So we went upstairs and sat down at the big table. This is where we cram 50000000000 chairs into a 10(I think) chair table. There's 3 different social groups at that one table. The shruggers. The talkers. And me the both. I introduce jace to my friends and they look at me like I'm crazy and ask him. "Aren't u the guy from Henry danger?" He smiles and nods. They wonder how I became friends with a guy like that cuz well let's face it, I'm not the most popular kid around and jace is well. Jace. It's time for 8th period which is math. Apparently I forgot there was an assembly so when I got to math I was sad cuz I really don't wanna go through another bullying assembly. Especially since what happened earlier today. Jace can see it in my eyes. The pain, the sorrow, he saw it when nobody else did.

Jaces POV

It was 8th period and I could see it in her eyes. The pain, the sorrow, the fake smile. I feel like she is misunderstood. There is something about her but I'm not sure what. I grab her hand. And she leads me to the auditorium where the assembly is. She knows what it is but I don't. As we are walking she tells me it's on bullying. I understand now. I understand everything. The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she laughs, the way she smiles. It's all...fake. I see how she talks to me, I see how she talks to the other people. How happy she is, it's all fake. Everything about her is fake. Except her love for me. I can tell she hurts worse then when you step on a Lego. I can tell, I get her, but nobody else does.

The Tweet That Changed Everything (A Jace Norman Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now