Chapter 4

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Devon and I were walking hand in hand in the park. I had gone back home and changed, and I am now wearing a pair of shorts with a woolen Pancho and high-heeled sandals. Devon bought us hot-dogs and sat us on a bench. He kept my hand in his, and, though he was close, I scooted over to lay my head on his shoulder. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me. Once we finished, we still stayed silent, but I looked up the same time he looked down at me. I was entranced and couldn't get my eyes off him. His eyes took on that bronze heated color, his gaze burning me straight to my core. The scorching feelinghe gave me was like nothing I had ever felt. I started leaning in a little and my eyes fluttered to his inviting lips. He leaned into me and the color in his eyes grew even more intense.

- Mommy, Mommy, look a the boy and the girl over there. They look like a prince and a princess. Oh, Mommy will I be pretty like her?" It was an adorable little girl who walked right in front of us. It interrupted our moment, and I couldn't help the blush that crept up my cheeks. I looked at the little girl whose mother let her go to talk to someone near the ice cream stand, and came running to us. She then looked at Devon and had a huge grin on her face. She then jumped straight in his arms.

-Uncle Devy! Who is this? She's so pretty. Are you gonna marry her? Uncle, I think you should, she looks like a princess, and she has to be nice like a princess, do you think she could make me a princess?" She then turned to me with her big round eyes, "Do you have the name of a princess? Do y-"

-Okay, that's enough kiddo" Devon said, covering her mouth with his hand. Then he had a panicked look on his face. "Is Aiden here?" The little girl nodded her head yes, and Devon looked left and right.

-Oh sh-" he started. I slapped the back of his head.

-Don't you dare use that language around a little girl," I scolded, I then make him let her go and took her on my lap, "What's you're name sweetie?"

-It's Allison, but everybody calls me Ali" she said with a grin.

Devon tugged on my hand and said in a hush whisper:

-We have to go, now, before he finds me!" I looked at him, and pouted.

-I want to stay here, just five minutes" I pleaded. He looked unsure, so I widened my eyes slightly, and my lower lip trembled. He groaned a 'fine' put his arm back around me. I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly before turning my attention back to Allison. She smiled brightly at me, and I had to smile back.

-You are just to cute Allison" I cooed, before turning to an edgy Devon, "she's your niece?" He grinned down at her and said 'yes', before going back to looking around. I shook my head at him, before looking down at the girl I had on my lap. Her eyes widened at something behind me as she gasped. I looked back and saw beautiful daisies and carnations. I smiled softly at her, and got up, carrying her with me. We sat by the flowers, and using water, I accelerated their growth. I picked a daisy, and put it in her hair. Ali beamed at me, and hugged me.

-Thank you!" She then had a confused look on her face. "What's your name?" I laughed, and Devon sat by me, absently taking my hand in his and playing with my fingers. I looked down at our hands, grinning slightly, and looked up to meet his eyes and his smirk. I blushed and averted my gaze to little Ali.

-It's Xynolin. But you can call me Xyn." She made an 'ah' sound and smiled once again.

-It's like you're an elf princess" she stopped for a moment "I really do think you should marry Devon, I know he seems like a meanie, but he really is nice, even though he bullies Daddy."

I blushed at her comment, and then thought about what she said.

-You bully your brother?" I asked, amused. He opened his mouth, and shut it.

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