Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Mom's shoulder hunched slightly. Devon and I shared a glance, knowing this could not be good. He started to fidget nervously, while Mom's expressions went through shock, happiness, worry, defeat, determination, and finally she got lost in her thoughts. I frowned, but took matters in hand, knowing we would need to talk.

"How about we talk this through around some food?" I suggested. Devon looked like he was about to protest, so I added with a stern no-nonsense look : "Now." With that I turned back to the stopped and proceeded to make around thirty crepes, before setting plates, jam, and spreading knives, all the while sharing secret smiles with Devon. Finally, I sat beside beside him, placing a kiss to his temple, and in front of mother. She smiled weakly.

-So, Erosias, huh?" I nodded mutely, silently wondering how she knew. She seemed pretty human to me. Devon, on the other hand, choked on his fourth crepe. I rolled my eyes, though I was smiling, and got a glass of water for him, not  moving from my place. I looked over at Mom, and nodding at her encouragely. She sighed.

-Shall we start with a popular story that is often told in the Awamin community? Devon, you know Viliana, right? Could explain the part of story you know?" He looked really confused, but started talking anyway.

-Viliana was an Aqua Awamin, but we haven't heard of her in years time. People say she was beautiful, but in a terriffying way. Long silver blond hair, ice blue eyes, pale pink lips. Never wore clothes, that woman, saying her element was enough of a shield against eyes. She is the biggest criminal of our race. Merciless, killing people for anything. Rumor has it, she killed her parents for not giving what she wanted. She was barely seventeen. She is feared by all."

Mom nodded, and Devon had a grim look on his face.

- But there is a story not many heard of. Viliana was the last Erosa. She had met her Erosi, William, not long after running from her murdered parents. He was a Humus, and her total opposite. He had green eyes, and chestnut hair. The man always had a smile on his face. He was kind, and warm, always saw the good in everyone. William had his heart on his sleeve. When the two met, William had to melt her heart. And it worked. She loved him, she still does. She tried, she tried so hard to be good and kind-hearted for the man she loves, but all of it went against her nature." Sarah paused, tears filling her eyes, and took a deep breath before continuing. "Will wanted to see the good in everyone, but he was lucid. Always lucid. He tried to deny it, but he quickly saw there was nothing to help her erase her nature. Viliana was evil to the bone, even though she tried. And when she got pregnant, things went for the worst. Her brain got hyperactive, planning what to do with her child, evil plans, never to hurt the child. She loved her unborn baby, but wanted it to become as evil, take control on everything.She went mad, obsessed with the thought of an all powerful child." Sarah paused again, choked back a sob. "Will wanted to kill her, because he knew it would be for the best. But he couldn't, he loved her. Oh, how he loved her. But he loved his child just as much, and so, February the first, when she was born, he took her away. He ran, for months on, escaping Viliana's wrath. When her baby went missing, she let all the pent up frustration and evilness arise in her heart, and all she cared about was revenge and getting her baby back. Will found his childhood friend and cousin, asked the Earth to make her hard to detect, and only after he making his cousin promise to look after his little girl and a kiss to his baby's forehead did he leave." Tears poured down Mom's cheeks. "Will died three days later, killed by his Erosa." She put her head in hands, sobbing. I took her hand, giving it a squeeze. Mom smiled weakly. "He would be so proud of you, Xyn, so very proud of his little girl." I breathed sharply. Same birth date. Chestnut colored hair. 

Devon kneeled down, and took my hand in his, placing a soft kiss on, letting me now he was there of me. I smiled at him. Trying to avoid looking at Mom, until she hiccupped.

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