Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

He looked at me, surprised.

-What do you mean?"

-This is the first time I come across someone with the same... gift?" I hesitated on the last word. "Well, obviously there is a lot I do not know. But I'm sure you can inform me." I looked up and tapped a finger on my chin, sure I forgot something. "Oh, before you begin, let me text J and tell her I can't be her ride" I said while fishing out my phone and sliding out the keyboard.

Can't make it at four. Sorry. See you tomorrow. x.

I put my phone away and sat down cross legged, and looked up. Devon was gazing down on me, seeming unsure on what to do. I smiled, and patted the grass next to me. He sat down, put his arms on his knees, and looked at me thoughtfully. We sat in companionable silence, until he broke it.

-You really don't know, do you?" His voice was soft, tender. It wasn't a question, more like a statement, but I nodded anyways. He sighed.

-I really don't know where to begin..." He trailed off. I giggled.

-Why does everyone say that? It's obvious you should begin at the beginning."

-Well, I guess you're right. We" he gestured us "are Awamins. It means we are Benders. I am an Incendia Awamin. I control fire. You,Cielo, are an Aqua Awamin. There are also Humus Awamins, and Aero Awamins. Earth and Air." He checked to see if I was listening. "The only rule to our kind is secrecy. No humans allowed. Then there's another thing..." he avoided my eyes, and started ripping grass. I caught his hand.

-Don't," I whispered "It's pain flows in the water, it has such an horrible feeling." I breathed. "Finish." He looked around for a bit. Then took a deep breath.

-There's this thing called Erosias. It's like a soul-mate. And it happens very seldom. Once every twenty years." I cocked my head to the side.

-How do you know you met your soul-mate?" He glanced at me, then looked back at his hands that were toying with a leaf.

-The first reactionare sparks at contact. Then thereis having the said soul mate constantly on your mind. A feeling of emptiness when he or she isn't with you. At this point, they will realise. Then there is the bonding, which goes through different stages. The first kiss. The outline of a tattoo will appear on her hip, and on his chest. Then there is acceptance of the bonding. The Erosias will have an empathy link, and share each other's emotions. Finally, there's the, um, they have to, uh, you know,do it, and the tattoo will be filled." I stared at him blankly.

-Do what?" He sighed, frustrated.

-Cielo," he groaned, "you know, they..." I understood, but seeing him fidgeting and squirming was amusing.

-No, I do not know."

-They have to... makelovetoeachother." I giggled. He really is adorable when he's nervous.

-Okay." He gave me a look. I raised an eyebrow. He seemed a little sad. "What's wrong?" He sighed, and shook his head.

-Nothing." I grabbed his chin, and forced him to look at me.

-What is it? And please don't say 'Nothing', I do not like being lied to." I searched in his eyes, watching them soften slightly.

-Cielo, think about earlier today. When you stared in my eyes. When you took my hand. When I cupped your cheek. You brushed my hair. When you went in Spanish, I, I, ... The time just didn't pass by fast enough, and Music was a nightmare." When he finished, he was breathing heavily. He ran a hand through his hair.

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