Chapter 2

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Emily was in her crib asleep and Aden was downstairs in the living room watching some cartoons. I start to wash up the dishes from our previous meal and turn to look outside the window. When is William coming home? It's getting late.

"Alright Aden." I call out. "Time for bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth." I dry the last plate and place it up in one of the cabinets.

"Aw, but I want to wait for dad." I frown at the mention of his father. He's been coming home late at night. He never comes home early to tuck the kids in which upsets me. I dry my hands on a towel and walk over to him.

"I know sweetie." I sigh, fixing his hair. "But I'll tell you what, when he comes home I promise I'll tell him to go up and tuck you in, Okay?" I kiss the top of his head and pull him in for a hug.

"Promise?" He pulls away, looking into my eyes while lifting his tiny pinkie in the air.

"I Promise." I say, chaining my pinkie with his. "Now, let's to bed. It's way past your bed time." He nods getting up, rubbing his eyes. "Okay, I love you!" He says, running up the stairs.

"Love you too, buddy!" I smile and head towards the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. As i set my cup down I hear Emily starting to cry. Sighing, I head towards the stairs up to her room. I just want a night without her crying, just one! I love her, don't get me wrong. It's just some days I wish this wasn't a constant thing.

Reaching to her room, I open her bedroom door. "Hey sweetie. Are you awake?" I head over to her crib and pick up her crying figure. Seeing her tear streaks and puffy red eyes, I cradle her in my arms.

"Shhh baby. Moma's here, she's got you." I coo to her. 

I continue to repeat until she falls asleep soundly again. I set her gently back down in the crib and kiss her forehead. I exit  the room, making sure i close her door gently and head towards Aden's room. Sound asleep, I kiss his forehead and leave. 

As i was closing his door, I was startled by a loud 'bang'. I open the door a little and look at Aden. "Good." I breathe out. He was still fast asleep. But what really had me worried was Emily. There's no putting her back to sleep if she wakes up. I quickly leave Aden's room and speed walk across the hall to Emily's room. Sound asleep too, I head downstairs to see what was going on, but not before I take my baseball bat. Who knows who could be breaking in at this time.

"Hello?" I whisper, slowly walk to living room area. "William, is that you?" 

No one. Odd. Who could possibly- I stop to see a shadow in the kitchen. Positioning my baseball bat ready to hit, I quickly turn on the lights. 

Surprised, I see William, drunk, and breathing heavily. His white shirt was unbuttoned and bright red lipstick was smudge on his lips, trailing a bit to his chest. Throwing the bat on the floor and crossing my arms over my chest, a deep breath leaves my mouth as I glare at him. Not again. I'm so tired of this. Every night he comes drunk, and wasted. 

"Claire." He comes towards me. "This isn't what it looks like." He hiccups. Gross. I lift my hand up, motioning him to stop. "No. I'm done. I don't want to hear it. This wasn't a mistake and you know it." I turn around to leave, till his grasp on my wrist makes me stop. His eyes turned dark as he looked at me. I swallow, my throat too dry.

"So, this is now all my fault?" He says lowly, while looking me up and down. Taking a deep breath, I remove my hand from his. "No. That's not what I'm saying at all. You're drunk. Just go to bed. The kids are asleep, so try to keep it down." I say glaring at him. Turning around to leave again, he starts to shout.

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