To Tell Others

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Rainbow Dash's POV WHILE STORY
It was a normal day in Pony ville, except I was nervous, I had to tell the other 4 about me and flutts being engaged,. I was so scared, I was sweating when I woke up, I wondered how they would react. I got up, took a shower, did my teeth, hair, took care of tank and flew off to flutts, when I got there she was walking out the door with flowers and flying up, "Oh! There you are rainbow, I was just about to bring you these.", she handed me the flowers and I hugged her,"Thank You."I said while blushing a bit.
After eating at Gay Burger, we went to AJ's farm where we were all having a meeting. When me and flutters got there AJ and Pinkie were baking apple pies, I knew cause I could smell it. We sat down at the table pinkie set and and waited, shorty after twilight and rarity came, twilight reading a book and rarity drawing dress designs as usual."You know, you guys could look up and say hi, right?" I said with a bit of sassyness in my voice, "Oh sorry, we were just working together to work on princess cele...", she went silent and shared at fluttershy," OH MY CELESTIA, YOUR ENGAGED! WITH WHO!?", "With Rainbow actually.", her voice sounded joyful when she said that, so I was happy.
"So, when are you getting married?" AJ kinda sounded angry, cause I knew she liked fluttershy, "Tomarrow, thats why we were gonna tell you today." I could tell I said that a little cowardly, I felt I was just trying to avoid telling them, I dont know.
"I have to go tell celestia and luna, I'll see you love birds later!", twilight then left us, after awhile rarity left cause She had an "important project" to work on, pinkie went to throw a party, and AJ went to do chores, then it was just me and flutts. "I gotta go flutts, I'll see you later ok", I kised her on the forehead and left, when I was halfway home, I felt somepony grab me and pull me down, "AHHHH!!!", I didn't know who it was,"Calm down Dashie, it's just me.", I turned around to see who it was, it was Soarin, "FOR CELESTIA SAKE DONT DO THAT!", I then suddenly flew away before he could say anything, but a minute after I left, I felt soar in grab me by the waist, "W-what are y-you I doing?" my voice was trembling. "I am going to help you figure out who you really love...ME!" he then leaned in slowly, and I just froze, he puckered his lips, then he........
sorry guys, I just have been reading a lot of stories lately and just get distracted by all of them, so I will still be working on this story and try to Make the paragraphs longer, I swear, but in the meantime, I probably, PROBABLY! won't be posting for awhile cause my papa is sick, pray for him. I hope y'all have a good day or night, ttyl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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