Chapter 1 ~Welcome to Barkmore High~

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I walk down the hallways of Barkmore High holding my binders to my chest. It's my first day of school here. Everyone else's third month of school. I can't believe that my parents made me move now. Everyone is going to know me now because I am the stupid new kid. The teacher will introduce me in the beginning of class. Probably ask some stupid questions about me. I've seen it happen at my school. I assume the teachers here are no different. Then what will happen is the word will spread around there is a new kid because of teenagers with their big mouths. Rumours spread around like wildfires. Then what will happen is I will be embarrassed the next day in front of the student body. So where am I going with this? Well I'll tell you. I hate moving and school.

I walk into my first class. Business. Kill me now. This is not how I wanted to start my day. I wonder if I can switch classes. Or just leave and never come back. Option two sounds more appealing to me. I take a seat close to the back and by the window. I bring my hood up over my head and put in earphones to block out the world. The song Missing You by All Time Low started to play and I stared out the window looking at the blue sky. People began to flood into the room as it got closer to 8:20 when our first class began. Everyone went and sat with their friends avoiding sitting next to me. Which is a good thing because I am not in a very good mood today. Let me tell you for teenagers that are up at 8:20 in the morning they are quite loud. I turn up my music so it's now blasting in my ears. I may ruin my ear drums, but now I don't have to listen to the creatures around me. I mentally cringe knowing that in a few minutes I will have to take out my headphones and probably socialize. Gross. I know.

I look to the front of the room and see the teacher. Crap. Don't make eye contact Lexi. I quickly look away and stare back out my new favourite window. The song switches to AC/DC's Thunderstruck. I tap to the beat of the music on my desk. Out of nowhere a shadow cast over me and someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and take one headphone out. I turn around to see a guy about 6''0 towering over me. His poop coloured eyes staring into my own blue eyes. His dark brown hair was scattered all over the place. To top it off his smile was-well it was more like a frown. Who does he think he is. He may be a tad good looking but I'm only going to focus on the fact that he just touched me. Already I don't like him.

"Yes." I say in a bored tone.

"You're sitting in my seat." He notifies me.

"That's rough." I give him a sweet, fake smile and place my earphone back into my ear. I. Hate. People. I was in the middle of a good song. The guy takes the seat in front of me just as the bell rings for class to start. The announcements come one and we all stand up for our national anthem. I take my hood off and headphones out. Singing along mentally to it. When it ends I put my hood back on and place my headphones back in. The teacher begins to talk about random crap. I made it look like I was paying attention to him by looking interested in what he was saying. That's when he stares at me waiting for a reply. Crap. I take out my head phone.

"Pardon?" I ask.

"Could you take your hood off? No hoods are allowed in this class." He tells me.

"Sure." I pull my hood down to reveal my straightened light brown hair with natural blonde highlights. My hair reached just passed my shoulders.

"You know what? Why don't we introduce you to the class while we are at it." He tells me. He waves his hand motioning for me to come to the front of the class. Kill me now. I let out a huge sigh and walk up to the front of the class. There are about 15 people in our class and I think I already hate them all.

"So tell us about yourself." Mr. Whatshisface pushes.

"Well I'm a girl." I look at Mr. Whatshisface with a pleading look. "Can I go now?"

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