Ch.10 Final Battle

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(Sam's P.O.V)

  I turned back around, Taurtis moved so that he was standing next to me. The shadow me had disappeared, a long with his guards.

I stuck out my hand to the side. I grabbed a sword out of thin air, as if I had done it a million times before.

The sword was white and shiny, I could almost see my reflection.

Taurtis did the same. Only then did I realize, not only did we have cool swords, but also armor.

The armor was white and shiny, just like the swords.

We bolted out the door. The shadows probably all went to the gym.

I pushed open the doors to see a battle had already started. Dom was holding the door of the gym open, letting people out of the school. Grian was fighting with the shadows. There were also some people I didn't expect to see. Yuki, Salex, Sookie, Soul, J, Ellen, and even Invader, we're all fighting. They were all wearing armor and fighting with swords, just like ours.

Taurtis ran in to help. I was about to join in as well, when I heard a laugh behind me.

I turned to see the shadow me.

"I have been waiting for this moment, little King," He said.

"Why? So I could put you out of your misery?"

"No, it is you who will perish today," Our swords clashed.

  Despite not knowing how to fight with a sword, it was like the knowledge had always been there.

  The shadow tried to swing at my leg, I side stepped. I began to slowly predict every move he made. I realized I was reading his mind.

  The next time he took a swing, I noticed that he left one side of him unblocked. A plan slowly pieced itself together.

  I jabbed at his side. He yelped in pain. Instead of blood, waves of darkness began to roll out of him.

  He gave me a death glare before turning into dark mist and seeping through the cracks in the floor.

  That's it?

  One stab was enough to scare him off?

  I turned to see the others had stopped fighting as well.

  I noticed someone walking over to me, who I quickly realized was Mrs. Okami.

"Good job Sam. Though you caused most of the problem, you cleaned it up rather fast," She smiled.

"Yah, sorry. If I had known what would have happened, I wouldn't have helped them."

"Well, that's the Queen Veronica in you, she would do anything to protect King Henry."

"Did she also have the ability to read minds?"

"That was one of her minor abilities. Her major power was teleportation."

"Also, what are the relics and why do the Dystopians want them?"

"Relics are special things that belong to the leader of each quadrant. Relics know who the leader of each quadrant are, even if they don't know it themselves. For example, you have a butterfly as a relic. The relics can track down the other leaders, that is why the Dystopians want one," She explained.

"Oh. Why are there two butterflies?"

"The other is King Henry's, but I'm sure you already know who that is," My gaze drifted to where Taurtis was standing.

"We now have to be cautious, this won't be the last time the Dystopians attack."

  Life will never be the same again. Now I have to find the other quadrants. But I know I will always have Taurtis by my side. After all, we are technically the Kings of this quadrant.
Should I make a sequel?

If there are any questions or things you would like me to explain in greater detail, don't be afraid to ask.
~PinkBoss Music

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