Chapter 2: Ally changes the game

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Ally's POV:
I walk into first hour and see Cam and 4 more of the guys from the famous 7. We're they staring at me? I feel awkward walking in, I sit on my normal seat at the front of the class, right next to the door. Cam walks up to me and says "Hey Ally, what are you doing" and he had the hottest smirk on. God d**n this boy was hot! "Um, just sitting I guess" I said and I knew it sounded terribly awkward. "Well I just came to say hi" he said and then he winked at me. Um? What the heck?! He then proceeded to go back to where his group was and they all fist pumped him. Well all of them except Gilinski, he just sat and he looked like he was about to knock someone out. The way he stared at Cam made me think it was him who he wanted to punch. Gilinski turned to look at me and what happened next I would've never expected. He smiled at me! As soon as he did this my cheeks turned red like apples, or at least I imagine they did since I could feel myself getting hot. I quickly turned to look elsewhere. I could feel my heart speed up, this was probably caused by the sight of a hot guy staring at you. I looked down at the book that was plastered on my desk and tried not to look at the famous 7 or in this case the famous 5 since two were missing. Mr.jacobson came in like 10 minutes late and said "ok class you will have partner work today. You have to choose a book and work on a poster for it..." And then he went on explaining what the requirements were for the project.
"Ok you may choose your partner, it can only be two people! No exceptions!" He said and left the room. He was such a horrible teacher, he was probably on his way to take a nap in the teachers lounge. Ugh well crap now I have to work by myself once again. Suddenly Cameron came to sit next to me and he said "hey partner, are you ready to start the project?" And he gave me that heart melting smile once more. "Oh ok" I said awkwardly and I mentally face palmed myself for being so weird around him . "Good" he said and then he told me what book we should read. I nodded and we ended up choosing our book. The hour went by faster than usual because I actually had someone to talk to. He had made me laugh shyly a couple of times. I honestly felt like we were heading somewhere and I hoped that in the future we would be friends.

The day then proceeded and lunch time rolled around. I waited for Miranda in our usual meeting spot and when she saw me she ran to me. She looked exasperated and worried and kept repeating "Ally omg! Ally omg!". "What?!" I finally yelled so she would stop annoying me. "There's this huge rumor going around the school, and" she said but I stopped her. I liked Miranda because she never gossiped and today I did not want to hear it. "Miranda who are we to get in other people's gossip" I said annoyed at her for even bringing up school gossip. "But ally the rumor is about" she said and I cut her off again "don't want o hear it" i said and I walked ahead. "It's about you" she finally yelled and I stopped midstep. There had to be a mistake, I couldn't be involved in rumors. I always flew under the radar why would anyone gossip about me?... Oh it had to be the Cam thing! I walked back to her and asked "what did you hear?" And she told me everything about their stupid little bet and how they were planning to take my virginity. Oh gosh I wish I was Miranda, she lost hers in sophomore year to a band geek who moved away the summer before. Then everything made sense. The awkward stares in the hall, the constant sound of my name, Cam talking to me and Gilinski smiling at me. It was all a plan to get into my pants. F*ck those a**holes!!! They had been trying to use me to win some stupid childish bet. I then told Miranda about my weird day and how everything made sense now. "Bella you can't just let them do this, you have to play those players!" She said. "What? No Miranda I don't want to get involved with them" I said. "Ally they tried to take your precious v-card! Your the last girl in the school that has one!"she said. Was what Miranda saying true? Should I get them back? "I think your right, I'm going to play all of them until they know what it's like to be played with like a toy, like they treat all woman" I told her. After lunch there was only two classes left. I got through them and went home.

I had to make a plan to make them all like me and actually fall for me. I then got home, grabbed my wallet and car keys and drove to the mall. I was going to change my entire look. The money I had saved up from babysitting was going to make my makeover great. I had to look like one of the fake bitches at my school. I died the bottom of my hair blonde (ombré) and I went shopping around for new clothes. I got a whole new wardrobe and drove home. Once I arrived, I took my glasses and I put them on my table. I then put contacts in. I looked great, like hell they wouldn't fall for me now. I went to bed and prepared myself for the next day.

It was the next day, I was ready to fight for my V-card to stay intact. I got dressed in some heels, a white lace crop top, a cute skirt with a bow on it, and other various accessories. After I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and prepared myself for today. (Ally's outfit is at the beginning of the chapter)

Jack G's POV-
I was with the guys by Nash's locker and I could tell that everyone was looking for our prey. I then saw Carter's jaw drop followed by a domino effect of jaws dropping. What was wrong with them. I then followed their stare at none other than Allison. Hell she looked sexy in a skirt. What happened to the geek from yesterday? This could not be Allison. She walked towards us and I thought she was going to stop and talk with Can but she walked past all of us and blew each one of us a kiss. Damn, the way her hips swayed made her a** look great as she walked! This game had gotten more intense, now I didn't just want her for the bet, she was so hot there was no other guy that would get their hands on her but me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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