Bride's Maid's Things

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A Week Later

"What about this dress, Harry?"

"Oh, yes! That dress is made from our best designers here i-" Gemma sighed, getting annoyed.

"Yes! Yes! So you've told us. Seven times already! Can we just look at dresses alone?"

The assistant doesn't even bat an eyelash at Gem's outburst, "Wh! Of course you may. Just holler if you need anything." She fakes laughs and walks away, no doubt to annoy some other poor, unsuspecting customer.

"Honestly, Gem. Why you gotta be so rude?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows S i quote Gemma from yesterday. Gem walks away, from the dress in question, laughing quietly, "Gem? Weren't you asking about this or...?" I raise my arm, stretching before scratching my neck awkwardly.

"No. Fuck that dress. I don't want anything," She adopts the assistant's voice, "made by their beeessst designers. Ugh!" She rolls her eyes and huffs dramatically. "Oohh!! This one, Harry!"

I walk over to inspect the new dress. The top part is hot pink, and the bottom half is black. "I like it."

"Great! Me too!" She pulls it off the hook to bring it to the front of the store so she can set up an order.

I wander around the store, gazing at everything and nothing at the same time. A rack of jewelry catches my eyes. I see a pink bracelet that's formed by flowers. I grab a few to bring to show Gem's figuring she'd like them. A pair of earrings catch my eye so I grab them too.

"Hey, Gem. Look what I found for jewelry.

Gemma looks them over before snorting, "Gays have really good tastes." The lady's eyes widen from behind the counter, making Gem and I crack up.

Shortly after that we go to a shoe store about ten blocks away. Gemma had refused to ride the public bus, saying, 'You never know what nasty things have touched the insides of those things.' So instead we walked.

We arrived after about an hour of walking due to Gemma having to make several pit stops to buy non-wedding related things.

I didn't want to spend long here so I walk up to the first pair of pink heels I see and say, "Got a pair. Let's go."

"Harold. No, you dunce. We have to find a pair that will look good with the dress. And then we have to try then on and see if it's possible to walk in them. And dance. And sit. And basically everything."

I groan, "Omigod. Kill me now." Gemma giggles before towing me off in a random direction.

We had been looking for over an hour when Gem squeals and runs to what looks like pink high heels. Upon closer inspection I saw that they were indeed pink. They also had a strap that goes around the ankle and open toes.

"How about these?" She squeals again, holding one of them in her hands, practically jumping from excitement.

"Sure why not." I yawn, closing my eyes.

"Har-ray!" She complains, whining when I continue to ignore her.

She huffs before grabbing the other one to put on to try walking in them. Half an hour later we walk out, with several boxes underneath our arms. She had already had her bridesmaid's shoe sizes with her and figured she might as well get them now instead of later.

By the time we're completely finished, it's about 6:30 p.m.

"Wanna go for supper?" Gemma nods and heads towards the 'rich' restaurants, which make me grab her arm and shake my head.

"We both know they'll never let me in." I say, stating the obvious, while crossing my arms.

Gemma's facial expression take on one of understanding before she nods, "Sorry. I forgot." I shrug it off, not caring.

Instead we head to a Burger King, where Gemma complains about how greasy the food looks, which makes me laugh. Eventually I coerce her into trying a bite of her sandwich. I'm unable to keep my laughter in as her eyes light up and she completely devours it. She quickly gets up and orders two more.

We spend the rest of the night sitting in a Burgur King booth, laughing and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

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