Best Man Tux

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Two Weeks Later

"Stop being a twat, Harry Styles."

"Well, I wouldn't have to be a twat if you didn't make me try on a million tuxes."

"Quit whining. It's not a million. It's only been," Gemma starts count on her finger the number of tuxes that I've tried on already. "Twenty-four."

"Yeaaa! Cause that's not a lot!" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Try this one on." She hands me another thing one to try on. This one had a white undershirt, pink tie with a matching pink vest, and a black jacket. After putting it on, I look in the mirror.

"I kind of like this one."

She claps excitedly. "Yay!"

"You'd think I'd be the one getting married considering how much I'm involved in this."

Gemma snorts, "Don't take my day away from me, you idiot."

I fake gasp, "Did you, Gemma Styles, just insult someone?" I fake wipe tears away. "This is a proud moment for me. I'd just like to thank," I pause for affect before continuing, "all you bitches and hoes for believin' in me!" I point out to an invisible 'hoe,' "especially you, Rochanda!" Gemma swats me on the arm.

"Alright take it off. We're getting it."

I shrug the jacket off before taking off everything else. When we check out, I question why she only bought one, unlike she did for her bridesmaid's.

She scoffs, "Cause I don't know the other groomsmen's sizes."

I shrug. Makes sense.

"Let's go. We're getting manipedis!" I scrunch my nose in distaste but don't argue.


Gemma giggles, "Stop touching your feet. It's weird."

I put my foot back on the ground sheepishly, "What? They're soft."

Gemma giggles, "See? I knew you had an inner gay side."

I snort, "I have an outer gay too."

Gemma doesn't say anything for a few moments, "So, do you have anybody in your life?"

I give a small smile and shake my head. Even though Gemma and I hadn't been close while growing up, I didn't see any reason to not change it. "I, uhh, I did. About a month and a half ago." A pause and look at my hands in my lap for a moment before looking back up.

Gemma's chin is propped up in her hand. Her blonde hair falling over her shoulders, sun from the window glinting off. It's makes her look pretty in my opinion.

I scratch my arm nervously, unable to look her in the eyes anymore. "I asked his father for his hand in marriage." I see Gem perk up from the corner of my eye.


I drop my head, "His father told me I was worthless. And he did nothing to defend me."

"Aww honey!" She practically jumps out of her chair, uncaring that her nails could still be wet. She engulfs me in a hug and pats my back. "I'm sure it'll all work out."

I wipe my eyes and laugh, "Last time I was him, I told him to fuck off. So I doubt it." I pull myself out of her arms. "Ready to go?" Gemma nods, pity in her eyes.

But I didn't want pity, I still just wanted Louis. I hadn't allowed myself to think about him much. Only at night, where I couldn't escape my thoughts. I still wore the engagement ring around my neck. Niall had complimented me the other day on, unknowing of what it was.

Soon, Gemma and I parted ways. She had to go do wedding things. I wanted to go back to my apartment and get wasted, so I had declined her invitation.

And if later that night, if I was throwing up all night with thoughts of Louis and the image of Gemma's pitying eyes, well then no one had to know.

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