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"But you really are my boobear." Lou croons.

"I'm a man. Not a boobear."

"Just my boobear.

"Whatever. I give up." I throw my hands up in mock surrender, making Lou giggle.

"Thank you. Was started to get annoyed that it took you so long to bend to my will." He giggled again.

I fake pout and whine , "Why you gotta be so rude."

Louis shrugs, "Dunno. Kinda fun though. You should try it."

"Well, Mr. Styles, if you enjoy it so much. Maybe I will."

"Well, Mr. Styles, I highly recommend it." Lou giggles.

"You know I never get tired of calling you that?" I ask.

"Yea. I do. Especially seeing as we were married ten years ago."

I shrug, "What time is it? We have to go pick up Mariah from my mom's house at six."

Lou twists his neck around to look at the alarm clock on the headboard, "Its five-thirty right now." He sighs, "Its don't wanna get up. I'm comfy right now." I smile at him, pecking his lips quickly before getting up to put a shirt on.

"Then you stay here, and I'll go pick up our daughter." I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"No. No. No. I'm coming with. Can't have you stealing the spot of favorite dad in."

I gasp to fake being offended. "I'm hurt, Lou. I really am."

"Shuddup. Boobear." I grab a pillow of our bed and smack him with it.

"Man." Lou rolls his eyes, but doesn't reply.


3rd POV
It's the first day of Kindergarten for Mariah. It's also the day that Lou comes home to Harry and demands another child.


Harry POV

"Babe? You do realize it sounds like you're replacing Mariah right?"

Lou groans, stuffing his face in my neck. "Nooo! I want another child, Harry."

I pull asay, confused. "Why are you acting like a five year old. Last time I checked we already had one of those."

Lou sits up, arms resting on his knees, back against the headboard. "Today, when I dropped her off, she didn't even give me a kiss goodbye. She's going to be eighteen soon. I'm not ready for the days of her to no need me anymore be over."

I laugh, "Lou, babe, she's five. Not fifteen. She's not almost eighteen."

Lou groaned again, "You're saying that now! And what about in thirteen years? That'll pass in like a," He snaps his fingers, "snap. I'm thinking a boy."

I stand up, "We can't just suddenly decide to adopt another kid, Lou. It takes time." I walk into the kitchen, and pull down a bowl for cereal.

I go to get the milk, but Louis is in my way, "What the fuck is the point of money if we can't do that?" He questions.

"Lou. We almost thirty. We can't just do that." Lou huffs, walking back to the bedroom and slams the door.


Aaaand he locked the door. I roll my eyes as I poor the milk into my red bowl of fruity pebbles.


3rd POV

It's later that night, after Mariah has gone to bed, excited for school tomorrow.

"Babe? Will you let me in now?" Harry questions, knocking on the bedroom door. Lou had locked himself in there all day, claiming a headache.

"Can we adopt another child?"

"We can talk about adopting another child."

"Fine." Click.


It's six months later, when, much to Lou's happiness, they adopt a little boy, named Marcus.

And if Harry's the one that brings up the topic of adopting another child three years after that, then no one has to know how Lou had almost jumped over the couch and fallen, just to song the living life out of the taller man.

Lou and Harry's life was finally complete, with Mariah, Marcus, and Alaina.


I'm not sure I like the ending but whatever!! I'm super excited for my next story though!!

It's called "His Spartan Warrior." And you should really check it out. (;


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