Chapter 2

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I told everything that happened to Ami at her room.And she--(¬_¬)ノ

"Hahahaha!!!",Ami's laugh while clutching her stomach.
"Whats so funny!I'm serious y'know..",I pout. "Gomen,gomen...actually its amazing (f/n)-chan,why dont you go there.Who know you can really be an idol,ne?",she winked.My eyes widen at Ami's word.
"Is that so?but...I won't be seeing you anymore..I dont want that...(╯︵╰,)" Then,an idea came to me,"Ah!why dont you go with me maybe that guy will approve it"
Ami just smile at me and said something that cheer me up."Yes,if I can.Saa,forget what had happened and lets play guitar!Aniki bought it for me to congrate me.Shall we?" "Really!waah!Your brother's so kind!I really want to.Let's!"

Then,we play the guitar and sometimes singing.It was so much fun!Before I go home at 4:30 p.m.,Ami said something to me with a slow voice but I dont hear it very well.
(She said:"I think you can do it afterall"😁)

I didn't expect that that thing going to happen when I got home.

"tadaima",I said as I walk to the living room.
"okairi (f/n),come and sit here",mom said to me with a bright smile that kind of...weird.seems like she'll say something weird.I sat on the sofa and see everyone smirking at me "wha-what?" I start."you're amazing,(f/n)!omedetou!" my sister said and my face become confuse-like ಠ_ಠ
"sou,sou.I myself cant believe it.ganbatte,onee-chan!",my little brother wink his eye with a thumbs confuusse!!
"okaa-san,what is going on?really" "actually,before you came back,Shining Saotome came here and told us about your singing and the sponsor thing,then he ask us if we agreed or not",mom said with a super calm voice.That time,my jaw already wide open.
"and,what did you say?",I ask with a hint of worrt.
"we agreed" my father reply.
"EEHHHHH!!!" I shout as I stand up. "you'll be fine (f/n).you not so shy like me afterall" my brother said.
"then,what about my school and stuff?",I panic.
"dont worry,they'll take care of,just relax and ready for tomorrow because they're going to pick you up!ganbatte!don't push yourself",mom wish me.
"haiii..." I go upstairs to take a bath and walk like a zombie to my shared room.What is going to happen to me!!~sigh~

~The next day(^ω^)~

I go to school and told Ami what happened at home.Everything seems normal.thats what I thought

The bell rings means lunch is over.Ami and I go back to class.Teacher came and we study like always.

Then,a sound like HELICOPTER echoing outside the class.The class immediately fill with murmur,even the teacher stop teaching.Everyone search where the sound come from.
"THERE!!",a boy shout,pointing to the window.
My heart almost fall out of shock when I see a familiar face floating outside the-WINDOW CLASS!!SHINING SAOTOME!!!What are you doing here?! He then take out a loudspeaker.

"HAHAHAHA!!SUPRISSSEEE MISS (f/n)?I come to take you to a bright fuutturee!Saa!COME!",his voice echo throughout the whole building.
Everyone look at me while I was making a very shocked face.
"Pss..(f/n)..what is going on?",Ami who sit next to me whisper.
"I don't even know myself...",I shook while sweat drop.Suddenly,a bodyguard open the door class.
"there she is!take her!",he said as he point at my direction.Then,I was lifted by a group of bodyguards.
"eh?aahh!!save me Ami!!",I shout as I was brought out of the class.
"(f/n)!!!",Ami shout.

I was drag out into a black limousine.Inside the car is full of bodyguards.I dont know where am I headed to.I just look out the window,the scenery pass so fast.My eyes lock at something that I never expect to see.I see Saotome Gakuin building in front of my eyes.My eyes widen with my mouth slightly open.Is this a dream!!

The limousine stop and I walk out from the car to the building.I heard a familiar sound,my phone!I took it out from my uniform pocket and answer the unknown number."hello?",I nervously answer the call.
"hello,miss (f/n)!!I'm sorry about the way we brought you",Shining's voice come from the other side.
"I'm okay,why am I here?" my personality split from afraid to courageous.
"I just want to say WELCOME TO SAOTOME GAKUIN!!Your question will be answer at my office.",he reply nonchalantly.
"what!where are your office then?",I already lose my patient. "hohoho!that!....You must find it on your own.I know you can do it,We'll meet again!",he ended the call.
"Matte!the line already end huuh..weird person",I mumble.Yosh!lets go get this DONE!!


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