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The results' file fell from my shaky hands on the coffee table. What I read broke my heart. Never thought it would be that serious. Never thought I'd die with such horrible disease. I felt drops of tears falling from my eyes. I felt hopeless just for a brief second then I stood and hid the results between my clothes and prayed to God to let it pass with less pain that it would cause.

You may wonder what a disease cause all that panic, everything had its cure nowadays but what would you feel when you read in your test results that you had leukemia. Yes that's right I would die from blood cancer. I sat there not knowing what to do! How would I cope with it or how could I tell my parents or Adam. Just thinking about Adam I felt pain in my chest. I just wanted to live my life with him in peace. It would hurt him to know I'd die and leave him. I didn't wish to put him in that situation again to lose someone he cared for. I didn't wish to hurt him. I didn't wish to leave him in the first place. I felt headache from how hard I was thinking. I looked at the clock and found that Adam would be home in a little so I pushed myself from the bed to wash my face to erase any sign of tears or redness on my face. Just as I dried my face I heard Adam's voice calling.

"Welcome home" I said from behind him with a big fake smile. He smiled and went to change his clothes after kissing me. I prepared our dinner and stood there looking at it. How many other dinners we will have together?

"What are thinking about?" Adam asked startling me. I shook my head to think about something to tell him.

"Nothing. I just want to spend more time with you. You're too busy these days at work" I mentally patted my shoulder for thinking that fast.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Nada. Just a lot of problems and complications at work but I promise we'll travel when all the problems be solved" he promised and I just nodded and resumed eating a piece of carrot.

"What about movie night?" he asked suddenly

"Yeah what a creative brain of yours" I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay I'll save those 2 hours for my beauty sleep then"

"You sound like a girl by that 'beauty sleep' thing" I chuckled but continued anyway "as a good wife I am I won't let you sleep and watch a movie with you" I dramatically said.

After eating and praying we sat on the couch with our hot drinks. I got the remote before him so I was the one to search for the movie. I kept changing the channels then left it on 'The Vow'. I remembered when I watched it with Nader he was much more emotional than me and he was the one complementing the movie and how it was touché. The first time I watched it , I kept laughing on how my brother sounded like a teen girl watching her crush but then when I saw it alone I liked it. I remembered Nader's face and comments as if it was yesterday. Yeah, he was that touched by the movie.

If you thought about it you'd find it hard to deal with such situation. To love someone who forgot about you. To see your wife or husband distancing themselves from you or to had them feeling awkward all the time you were together. To see your partner returned to their ex as if it was totally natural. To look at someone with love and they couldn't return it after they used to.

"He's such a hopeless case" Adam commented. I looked at him weirdly.

"Why? he just truly loves her" I reasoned

"Yes but she's rude to him and ignores him but still he acts like a sticky dog , she even goes to her ex"

"That's rude comment, Adam. He can't force himself upon her. Put yourself in his shoes, would you lose hope in having me again to love you" I asked seriously wanting to know his opinion.

"I don't know I can't put myself in his place. But I know I'd do anything. Don't stress on it" he pulled me in a side hug and kissed my head. I fought the urge to cry at the thought of leaving him.


The next day I went to have an appointment with a doctor to know the stage I was in and what to do. I looked at the report again and sighed. I knocked on the doctor's door then went in.

After talking with the doctor and him telling me how it'd work. He told me I had to start the treatment as soon as possible to be able to recover faster but I didn't find it in me to be hopeful and I didn't find that hopeful face on the doctor too. I just hoped everything worked out well and to be able to tell my family and Adam.

When I was opening my car's door my phone rang and I read 'Nader' on the screen.

"Salam" I greeted him trying to sound cheerful.

"How are you ,Nada?" He asked straightforward not even replying my salam.

"At least reply my salam. I'm so disappointed in you big brother" I teased

"Salam. So how are you?" He asked again in serious tone.

"I'm fine Nader. What's up!"

"I don't know but I feel something isn't good. Please tell me if something is wrong with you" I listened dumbfounded, it was as if he was with me and knew everything. I knew that I couldn't lie to him or couldn't hide it from him. He was my brother and friend. But I couldn't help to tell him. I was silently thinking about what to do when Nader sighed.

"Tell me Nada , what happened. You can trust me" Nader said softly and that was it, I broke down crying on the phone with him demanding to know where I was.

Oh dear, brother.

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