Towards the Danger

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Leon pov

I pulled the car into park holding one arm in front of Nikki for protection.

My eyes switched back and forth from the car and to the Newly painted house.

"Sure we at the right place"

Nikki let out regretting her dumb question.

"Of course it is. I wanna know why she proceeded to paint it Damn Red. This ain't no blood vs. Crips type of ish."

We both laughed and opened our car doors.

Once I grabbed the gifts , Nikki brushed my shoulders and we walked up the stairs.

I could see as always Nikki looked terrified. I mean, If I were her I would prolly knock my momma out. But, Nikki got a heart. She ain't take no shi, and she would fight any other bish who talk to her like my momma does, but she got a heart.

"Quit pulling down ya dress babe , it will be alright."

I tried to reassure her and she took a deep breath.

We rung the doorbell Once

I saw the panic in her eyes again and I used my skills to try and relax her.

"Ma you look so sexy"

I smirked at her and looked her up and down, licking my lips to be extra.

She blushed and kissed me on the side of my cheek.

We then rung the doorbell Twice

No anwser

I looked at the side of the house and saw the window smashed open.

I jiggled the locked doorknob.

My blood began to boil and I snapped into a serious mode.

Where my momma?

I pulled out my phone and called her phone.

"This phone has been deactivated due to a non payment on July 21"

Today was July 21st ????

My momma never ever, AND I mean EVER does something like this. She the type of person to check her phone before it rings. She never leaves her house without calling me or without leaving a note under the thick welcome rug on the porch.

I bent down on my knees ignoring the suit and looked for any type of recognition.

No note

I slid the gifts into one arm and pounded on the door as Hard as I could with the other.

Nikki's face turned into a whole Nother panic as she looked into my dark pupiled eyes.

Nikki flicked the doorknob shrugging a little as she realized that it was double locked.

She took out her Handy dandy Bobby clip and slid one side to one end of the lock, and the other end to the other. She then inserted her bladed coral knife in the center , and in one Crack the door slid right open.

I sat the Gifts onto the desk on the porch, and followed Nikki inside. I slightly pushed her away in a non rude way and guided her through the house.

"You check down here babe , ill check upstairs."

My eyes started to turn red as I walked up the stairs.

I grabbed my pocket knife and unraveled it.

What I saw, was unbelievable.


Nikki pov

"You check down here babe, I'll check up stairs"

I followed Leon's orders as if this were another day in the same old same old trap house.

I pulled out my pocket knife pointing the tip outward and walked slowly.

The smell of her famous freshly cooked plaintains and jalof rice grew stronger as I entered the kitchen. I squinted my eyes as I scanned the room. Things made more sense. The freshly cooked food was sitting right in the center of the floor.

Near the window.

I walked over to the smashed window and followed the tracks of barely noticeable smudged finger prints.

The stench of rotten meat filled my nose.

Faint flashbacks of Leon's mom laughing at his reaction to the self butchered pork belly slid into my brain.

Must be that , my brain told me one too many times, while thinking it over.

I realized the smell came from the backyard behind the smashed window and my dumb self walked towards it.

Towards the danger

I was half way there before my vision faded. I felt to my knees, and tears cascaded like a waterfall down a deep trench.

Leon's mom

She sat slaughtered , naked , and volnurable on the back patio. My throat become very dry as I called for leon.

My instincts shocked through my body as I heard leon slam the door and came running down the stairs.

I ran to Leon's mom and lifted her head up.

She began to quiver as I felt her pulse on her touched body.

I rubbed the side of her face while pulling out my phone and dialing 911.

I heard the patio door slam open and watched the expression on Leon's face as he put two and two together.


He cried, his voice becoming rocky each and every time he repeated the word.

Tears couldn't stop dropping down my face.

I held her half slit arm and applied pressure.

I had to know this. I needed to know this.

I thought back to the last time I had been in this situation, and my memory flooded.

Leon's face grew angry and flushed.

I rubbed his shoulder and his physical crying stopped.

Tears wouldn't stop dropping from the both of our eyes, but we didn't make a sound.

No need to call for more Danger.

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