"Reincarnation is not very unusual, but don't get confused."
PC class was advised by a rather intimidating teacher that knew no smile. She knew how to scare her students, resulting to an incurable silence inside the whole room. She demanded the full attention of everyone and did not tolerate a distracted eye from leaving her face.
Valeriana learned that every Valemnian possessed a Power Control. This determined their ability to manipulate specific things in category around them. For Elementals, they possess the ability to manipulate objects that belonged to nature. An Elemental Power was performed or acted out when the user partially exploits his aura to mix with the power pressure of Valemnia and control a compatible element—it was termed as Indirect Control mostly. It was divided into different types depending on the nature of the ability of a certain individual. There was fire, water, wind and earth. Ice, lightning, electricity and all others were secondary elements.
For Direct Control, there was the utilization of one's aura to manipulate another person's aura by skin or eye contact. These users were much rarer than Indirect, as a child's chances of becoming one ranged less than one percent.
In Valemnia, the aura was something that was connected to one's inner self—the emotions and way of thinking, for example. Direct Control, divided into different sections, just like Elemental Control, had two main classifications—the Altruistics and the Manipulatives.
Their abilities were just as their names suggest. Altruistics can tap, manipulatives do the controlling. Like two sides of the same coin, the other does what the other cannot. In a sense, the relationship was much like the relationship of the colors black and white.
For example, the nature of the ability Empathy depended on the nature of the Direct Control. Under altruistics, their empathy dealt with the perception and the sensitivity to what a certain person was thinking and feeling. For manipulatives, their version of empathy was different. They dealt mostly with influencing those thoughts and emotions.
One cannot be both at the same time, Valeriana thought the concept was interesting.
When lunch break rolled in, things got even worse for Valeriana. The amount of attention she was getting began to feel unendurable. She knew it would take a while before the students in the academy get used to having her around. But right now, she seemed to be the center of attention.
Chavi allowed her to get settled in the dinner hall while she went to get their food from the buffet table. The dinner hall was a beautiful place. The chairs were cushioned and the tables were ornate, carved out of wood with great care. The surfaces were splashed with creamy yellow cloths and the crimson fabric the table runner was made from had golden tassels dangling from their triangular ends.
Valeriana swallowed excitedly as a big platter was placed in front of her. Her stomach made hungry noises and she lifted her gaze to meet Chavi's eyes with appreciation, flustered.
She dug in mindlessly and swallowed food to the point where her cheeks bulged. Chavi watched her with a smile and ate her meal as well.
"Are you enjoying?"
Valeriana's eyes went from her food to the direction of the voice and she saw Courtney. She choked on her meal because of this and motioned for water. Chavi, panicking, handed her the cup sitting on her tray. Valeriana immediately downed the whole cup.

Knight | Celeste Academy Series BK #1
Fantasy[COMICS OUT NOW!] What's worse than going to school? Going to school for knights in another world! After accidentally witnessing a woman killing a demon in the streets of Boston, Valeriana is kidnapped and forced to enroll in the magical Celeste Aca...