"All heirs belonging to their respective noble families have heirlooms in the form of a ring with a designated emblem."
Chapter Thirty-Eight ♣ The Package
After that little encounter with Corvan, she decided to head back to the Twelve's residences. She shoved the little pouch deep into her pocket to avoid losing it. When she entered the lobby, all eyes were curiously examining her up and down. Perhaps they were unfamiliar with the delicateness of human life? Hashtag, weak people. As expected, Tamara was the first to comment.
"Oh, Valeriana! Back so soon?"
"Uh . . . yeah, sorry for fainting earlier."
"See! See!" Tamara nudged Charles, who was sitting beside her, with her elbow.
"Will you stop that?!" he exclaimed. "It's seriously annoying!"
Tamara sighed in displeasure. "Anyway," the third-ranker said and turned to Valeriana. "A package arrived for you a while ago." She jerked her finger towards a brown box settled in the middle of the room.
Valeriana's eyes were drawn to it and she could not help but let out a gasp.
"It looks weird. Shaped like a crate, but not made of wood," Tamara commented.
She rushed towards the box and hugged it affectionately. She then pulled back and looked around the room. "Anybody got a knife?"
Charles fished a sheathed knife from his pocket and tossed it to Valeriana's direction. The girl gave him her thanks before pulling the blade out and slicing through the tapes that held it together. The other rankers came forward, leaning over Valeriana's shoulder as she pulled the flaps apart.
"Mom, you are awesome," she said in excitement and took out a box of Oreo Double Stuff. This was the only sweets she ever liked. She never really took a liking to other brands of cookies or chocolates, but this one was an exception. "I can't wait to munch on this."
"What's that?" Keelan asked, sniffing. "Smells sweet."
Valeriana ripped one open and took out an Oreo before shoving it to Keelan's mouth. "Taste it for yourself! You'll like it!"
Keelan looked shocked for moment before he eventually chewed the whole thing and started swallowing. As the biscuit melted on his tongue, his eyes sparkled and he jumped excitedly. The strawberry-blond hair on top of his head bobbed with him as he leaned towards Valeriana for more.
"Can I have some more?" he asked.
"Here." The girl shoved the packet in his hands. "Make sure not to eat the packet—only the cookies."
Keelan peered into the packet before pulling out another cookie and shoving it into his mouth. "This is amazing!" He then smiled, revealing a row of teeth crusted with dark crumbs.
Those who saw this could not help but chuckle at the sight of the twelfth-ranker.
Valeriana pulled another one open before shoving one cookie into each of the rankers' mouth when they curiously asked what Keelan was eating. She couldn't help but giggle at the look on their faces when the crunch reverberated in their ears.
When everyone got their share, Valeriana went towards Corvan. She held out a cookie to him. "Want one?"
"What is that?" He frowned. "If you're trying to poison me in anyway by deceiving me with such a sweet aroma, then you are horribly mistaken."
"Relax." Valeriana rolled her eyes. "It's only a cookie. Although, you're starting to make me hope I did put something in here," she told him.
"I don't eat human—"
He was cut off when Valeriana violently shoved a piece into his mouth, taking him aback. The girl grinned at him before walking away to go back to where her package was. She stopped short and gasped when she saw Raziel holding a pack of her menstrual pads.
"What is this contraption?"
The girl rushed to where he was and snatched it from his hands. "Don't touch this!" she exclaimed.
Raziel raised a brow at him. "What's it for?"
She went beet red. "It's not something you should know about." She turned her back on him, leaving a confused Raziel to himself.
"Did I do something wrong?" The sixth-ranker's forehead wrinkled.

Knight | Celeste Academy Series BK #1
Fantasy[COMICS OUT NOW!] What's worse than going to school? Going to school for knights in another world! After accidentally witnessing a woman killing a demon in the streets of Boston, Valeriana is kidnapped and forced to enroll in the magical Celeste Aca...