Chapter Three

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As first days go, things didn’t turn out too badly after I got to class; my lessons were fairly easy and fortunately no one made much of a fuss about my hair except for a boy in my English class who said I was like a green goddess as he fingered his own dark blue locks.

During lunch I was saved from having to sit all by my lonesome by Iris calling me over to sit with her and her friends. They poked fun at my hair and I laughingly told them all about Marisol and her dumb bet that I wouldn’t dye my hair and then once we realised it’d gone green, that I would keep it that way for more than a month. I was determined to win the bet, Marisol would never shut up otherwise!

Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to ask Iris any more about Castiel but I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad one anyway, from what Melody and Rosalie told me he was a bit of a bad influence on impressionable girls and I’d had enough bad influences to last me a lifetime.

The time passed quickly, I find that lunch always does, and the afternoon lessons seemed to breeze right by me, the only one that I took any remote interest in was History where I managed to make myself stand out as a complete nerd by knowing the answers to practically all of the questions that the class was asked.

Note to self; kill father and make sure they never find the body.

I spotted Nathaniel smiling at me from the corner of my eye after I answered yet another question and I blushed as I ducked my head feeling self-conscious. I hadn’t spoken to him since that morning and he’d not been in any of my classes either, but I was glad to see a friendly face in an otherwise sea of strangers. The blue haired boy from this morning hadn’t made another appearance either and neither had Castiel, but Rosa told me at lunch that he likes to skip class at lot.

At the end of the day, with the final bell ringing in my ears as well as echoing down the corridor, I headed back to the office to collect my ID, only to be told by a rather vacant secretary that she had sent the ID back to Nathaniel to finish authorising with my forms.

“Didn’t Iris tell you?” the woman said as he gave me a vacant smile and I shook my head, “Oh, sorry, but you can still catch him if you hurry.”

So that’s what I did, and lucky me, as I rounded the final corridor, I could hear him talking to someone inside the student council office.

“OW! Watch where you’re going space cadet!” I rebounded away from the tall blond, an apology automatically coming to my lips until I realised what she had said.

“Wow, you come up with that all by yourself? Or did your little helpers there give you a hand?” I gestured to the two girls standing slightly behind the ringleader and felt my mouth split into a wide mocking smile even as my inner good-girl was telling me that I shouldn’t be confronting people as it wasn’t good-girl behaviour and I’d promised that I’d be good.

“I thought aliens were little green men!” She sneered down at me, drawing attention to my lack of inches and the fact that she was either abnormally tall or wearing heels. I chanced a glance downwards Yep, heels.

“You should contact the space station and tell them you’ve found a female one Amber” Her dark haired friend laughed and nudged Amber with her elbow causing all three to giggle at their supreme wit while I just sighed.

“It’s not the space station you’d call it’s the scientific institute.” I couldn’t have come up with a lamer comeback, but somehow it shut them up. I guess they weren’t expecting me to have a brain underneath my dyed hair.

“Whatever, freak. Get out of my way!” She shoved me and I just managed to stop myself from sprawling onto the ground as Amber and her posse headed off.

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