Chapter Four

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After a grilling from both my brother and my Aunt; who practically broke all the windows in the house with her high pitched screeching after getting a good look at my hair, apparently she wasn’t paying attention when I arrived three days ago, I spent a boring evening writing up my class notes and doing the little bit of homework I’d been assigned in between unpacking a few boxes that I’d been too lazy to open when I’d first arrived.

Over dinner Vere had talked me through why both of the boys I had met had probably been acting a bit weird, and it wasn’t because of my hair. According to the wise one as he likes to call himself, one or both of them liked me and were trying to subtly indicate that they would like to date me. I scoffed at him and put a forkful of pasta to my mouth.

“Laugh all you want Eph, but I bet that in a couple of days you’ll be fighting those two off with a stick.” Vere said with a smirk as he ate his dinner.

I kicked him under the table as our Aunt returned with the salad bowl and he wisely shut up.

I was right to disbelieve my brother, I mean I’d literally just met those two boys; there was no way that they’d want to ask me out so soon. Besides; I was never the type that the boys went for at my old college. They always wanted Marisol, which wasn’t surprising with her long dark hair and eyes and beautiful olive skin, she was the envy of every girl and the desire of every boy.

Things would never be that way again.

Standing in front of my locker as I stared into space I wasn’t so sure I could play it cool if one or both of the boys talked to me.

Why couldn’t Vere leave me in ignorance? Note to self; kill brother and make sure they never find the body

I was concentrating so hard on the contents of my locker that I never even heard the footsteps echoing down the nearly empty hallway. The voice from that sounded from just above my head made me jump out of my skin and several of my books came spilling out of my locker to hit the floor.

“Gosh Ephie I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! I just thought it would be nice to surprise you…” I looked up in dismay as Kentin, a boy from my former college, bent down to help me gather up my things.

“Ken? What are you doing here?” I didn’t want to sound too friendly since he had been somewhat of a pest at my old college, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. His dad had been known as a bit of a hard case and since Ken was definitely not, I couldn’t bring myself to be outright nasty to him.

“When I found out you had transferred colleges I convinced my dad to let me come here. It’s my last chance to get away from all the bullies before he sends me to military college, but I’m sure that no one will pick on me at this college.” Ken gave me a broad, slightly goofy, grin as we both stood up. “You know I’d do anything for you Ephie”

Yay! I thought sarcastically to myself, My very own slave! I lamented on the fact that Ken wasn’t better looking or that I wasn’t the least bit interested in him, but hey, beggars couldn’t be choosers.

“You want to hang around after college with me? I’ve got snacks.” Ken looked at me straight in the eyes and reminded me that he was barely taller than I was and I sighed, trying to find a way to let him down gently.

“Yeah, Ephie, he’s got snacks.” Castiel’s voice spoke huskily in my ear and I jumped for the second time in as many minutes that morning and turned automatically, colliding with Castiel’s chest. He stepped back quickly while I blushed hotly and stammered out an apology.

Maybe Vere’s right, there’s no reason for Castiel to be hanging around right now. I tilted my head back to look at Castiel and he smirked at me in return.

“This the boyfriend you were talking to yesterday?” He ran an assessing eye over Ken before dismissing him completely with a smirk as Ken’s entire face went bright red.

“No, if you’d stayed to hear my answer you’d know I was talking to my older brother yesterday. He’s at Uni and lives in the dorms to stay away from my mad Auntie. Besides, you think I’d call my boyfriend ‘secret squirrel’?” I cringed slightly as my mouth ran on revealing way too much information and the corner of Castiel’s mouth quirked up at my awkwardness.

Before either of them could say anything in response the bell rang for class and I realised that once again I was late, “Oh great! How do I explain that I got caught up in the hallway talking to you two?

I turned, only to be yanked back by Castiel’s strong grip on my wrist, “Steady on pal!” I said and he loosened his grip.

“You were talking to your brother? When we were walking to the station? You weren’t talking to this clown?” Castiel’s grey eyes bored down into mine, daring me to lie, or maybe tell the truth and I wondered what the big deal was; he seemed to have formed a very rapid connection with me without a whole lot of interaction but since I had barely any experience with boys I had no idea if this was normal or not.

Mental note: Call Mare and get her to give you the dish on boys before you completely mess up.

“Yes Castiel, I was talking to my brother Vere, short for none of your business.” I smiled as I saw Castiel’s eyes brighten momentarily at our remembered conversation from yesterday and I felt something kick inside of me a sort of warmth spreading through my chest like I’d swallowed a hot pepper.

That’s right you never did tell me what Ephie is short for.” He glanced around at the emptying hallway before glaring down at Ken, “Beat it shrimp.” He said to him before tugging me away from Ken and in the opposite direction of my classroom which sort of defeated the purpose of Castiel telling him to go away.

“Castiel my class is that way.” I jabbed my thumb in the opposite direction and he stopped and turned suddenly and I cannoned into his chest again.

“Maybe I’ll just scare the answer out of you.” He said softly, completely ignoring my words and looking down at me with an unreadable, yet intense expression.

I shivered and thought that maybe Nathaniel had been right about me staying away from Castiel.

As if he had read my mind, Castiel’s face darkened and he abruptly let me go before stalking off, “Another time doll.”

I stared after him, confused and slightly disappointed. Did I want to go with him or was I afraid of him? I had no idea. The only thing I did know was that for the second time in two days I was late for lessons and probably about to get my first detention.

Some new start, note to self; stay away from bad boys. Yeah right.

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