Tell the Fans?!

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*Herro lovely Laserfriends... long time no chapter I know... but I will get this up on time!!!!*

Well time for another day. Everly thought as she entered the doors to the office. She headed up to her computer, coffee in hand. She saw Wes hunched over slightly as he worked on the details to the new bonus video. She walked quietly, letting the door swing shut behind her gently. Eve wrapped her arms around Wes' shoulders setting her hair on top of his.

"Hi" she said simply.

"Hi" he replied.

The nice thing about the two of them is that they can just sit by each other in silence and be content. Eve sighed slightly and moved away from his desk to sit in hers which was catty-corner to Wes'. 

Wes threw a small paper airplane her way. Unfortunately it only made it about half way. Everly snorted slightly and started laughing. She went to pick it up off the floor and opened it.

A simple note in red ink was scrawled on the sheet. Wanna have dinner after work? -Wes <3  

She smiled and sent the letter back his way with an equally simple reply in purple. Sure ~Everly.

A little later Lasercorn and Joven came in. They grumbled a hello to the two other people. As they moved to the other room Eve could have sworn she saw Joven grab Lasercorn's hand out of the corner of her eye. She shook it off and returned to work. 

Mari came in a bit later. She looked like she had something she was thinking about saying but didn't really know how to say it. "Whenareyouguysplanningontellingthefansaboutyou" she blurted out. 

"Sorry didn't quite catch that" Wes said sounding slightly confused. He tilted his head slightly like a puppy. 

"When are you guys planning on telling the fans about you" she said slower.

Everly who had just taken a drink of her coffee started choking and turning red. She headed to the kitchen to get a drink of water. After she returned Mari continued. "I mean you guys have been together for a few weeks and the fans will find out eventually."

"You have a fair point, and it has been a few weeks... honestly I'm surprised they haven't found out already." Wes said. "But if your not ready Eve we can wait..." he wrapped an arm around her waist and gently pulled her toward him.

Everly took a deep breath. "Well I would rather the fans find out from us than feel like we were keeping secrets from them..."

*le Time Skip via rock music blasting in the Impala*

Mari and Ian were set to the task of herding the whole group. With their powers combined (see what I did there?) Mari and Ian had managed to find Flitz, Anthony, and Sohinki but neither of them had been able to find Joven and Lasercorn.

As Mari headed down yet another hallway she saw Ian leaning in a doorway. She opened her mouth to say something but Ian shushed her and motioned for her to come see whatever was through the door. She quietly padded over. What lay behind the door made her jaw drop. 

Lasercorn had Joven pinned to the wall. They were making out pretty hard. Mari and Ian exchanged a look but whipped their heads around when they heard a soft, breathy 'I love you' from Joven.

At this point they decided it was best to say they couldn't find they two before they witnessed anything else.

While the group started setting up in the main room the two men in question showed up with slightly disheveled hair and clothes. Mari and Ian quickly looked away from each other so they wouldn't laugh.

The plan was to film a bonus while they went to lunch and not so discretely have Eve and Wes do some couple thing so they could all awe and stuff.

The crew being, well, them had left their Christmas decorations up way into January so a small branch of mistletoe still sat on the door. Everyone made a mental note to not walk through it together. While they were filming  Eve caught sight of it. She shared a glance with Wes and made a small nod toward the door. 

First Sohinki went through, then Lasercorn, after him was Joven, lastly Eve and Wes passed through together. Lasercorn noticed this and called out.

"Guys! We never took the mistletoe down!" Sohinki said with a smirk.

"Come on guys, you are a couple after all" added Joven.

Wes gently pulled Eve in and pressed his lips to hers. It was short and sweet but still had that spark that got them together in the first place.

I guess telling the fans isn't quite as awful as I thought... said Eve as they both pulled away smiling.

Edit that out! (Wes X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora