How Do I Put This

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One thought worked its way into Wes' mind one night as he and Eve lay together on his couch. One of his arms wrapped around her waist protectively as they watched a movie. She was nuzzled into his shoulder as they held hands with Wes' free hand.

The thought that was pestering him was a simple three word phrase but he didn't know if she was okay with saying it back. For now he would leave it be but he knew this would bug him if he didn't say it soon.

The next day Wes, Lasercorn, Joven, and Sohinki were going out to lunch for a bit of guy time. After another terrifying example of why Joven probably shouldn't be on the road they pulled into a small local restaurant. After ordering and making small talk their plates arrived. As David helped himself to one of Joven's fries to a small, muffled cry of protest as Joven's mouth was already full of burger. David discreetly pulled Joven's free hand into his in a small apology. They shared a quick look that to anyone else would be pretty meaning less. "So Wes how are things with Eve?" David asked and then popped the stolen fry into his mouth.

"Good" Wes said simply and scratched his neck . "But I was kinda planning on saying that 'one little phrase' if you catch my drift" he said.

"Umm no not qui-OW" Matt said while scrolling through some social media thing not really paying attention to the conversation until he got a kick from Josh.

"Anyways that should be great, but I don't know if she will want to say it back" Wes explained.

"I dunno man, I mean I've seen you guys together and you seem like you both like each other a lot, so I would stress too much over it. Just wait till the time feels right" David said.

After that the conversation slipped back into the usual topics of gaming and work. Wes was still bugged by the thought but he was at least slightly reassured which was better than nothing.

After dinner the group headed back to the office to finish up some work, Mari had been sick the other day so they had to film Maricraft later in the evening instead of what they last had planned. Mari, Eve, Wes, Joven, and Lasercorn all chatted for a moment while the technical stuff was checked up on. After a few minutes they were ready to shoot.

"Hey guys! Welcome to another episode of Maricraft! We are here with the usual crew and you might remember last time the lovely Lasercorn has started yet another Minecraft War!" Mari said as she met up with Eve who she had teamed up with in the last episode.

~Time skip brought to you by Dan and Phil trying to sing the intro to Toxic~

"How did you even get here Laser? AND WHY DID YOU HAVE TNT ON HAND?!?" Everly shrieked and tried to run far enough away from Lasercorn and his... Weird tnt (if you've seen the newer Maricraft then you know you can make nukes now). The blast killed both Lasercorn and Everly and completely destroyed the castle that the two girls had been staying in currently. "How is that even possible? Mari asked. "I think we're gonna leave it here for next time... See ya next week everyone."

~Another time skip brought to you by Ladders EP~

By the time Wes and Eve returned to Wes' and Joven's (yes I know they don't live together anymore but I'm the author so I say they do) apartment it was around 1 am, hey they were all hungry again so they ordered pizza, no shame in a midnight snack. Luckily they had a day off tomorrow because a sleep deprived Eve is not to be messed with. After setting down her keys, bag, and jacket. The girl flopped onto the couch face first with one arm hanging over the edge.

Wes nudged Eve gently with his toe. "Are you gonna get up?" He asked. She simply shook her head and then lay motionless, so Wes being the giant human that he is picked her up so if she did fall asleep at least she would be a bit more comfy, he then started to get ready for bed by the time he got back Eve had mustered enough energy to get changed and headed to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth.

When she returned Wes seemed to be half asleep. So she did what any person would do to a good friend and partner in that situation and jump on him. "Hi" she laughed. "Hi" he said sleepily and pulled her into a kiss.

"Um, how do I put this... I love you" Eve said.

It was dark in the room but Wes' face completely lit up. "I love you too" he said and gave her one more short kiss before closing his eyes.

Wow... Took you long enough. Joven stated through the wall.

"Shut up Joven" Eve said before drifting off too sleep.

Wow long time no see huh... Yeah I have no excuse... Anyways hope you enjoyed... I will try to come up with more ideas and update soon... Until next time Lasercorn 2.0 OUT!!!!

Edit that out! (Wes X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora